US military sinks further into the Iraqi quagmire
By Peter Symonds
28 June 2005
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By any measure, the US military occupation of Iraq is steadily sinking into a 
quagmire of Washington's own making. Successive claims by the Bush 
administration that the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003, the 
installation of an interim administration last June, national elections in 
January and the inauguration of the new puppet government of Prime Minister 
Abrahim al-Jaafari in April would end armed resistance have proven to be 
completely illusory.

There is no end in sight to the daily attacks on American and allied military 
personnel, or Iraqi government security forces. In London for talks with 
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, al-Jaafari told the press yesterday: "I 
think two years will be enough, more than enough, to establish security in our 
country." His remarks reflect both wishful thinking and a rather desperate 
attempt to retain some credibility with the Shiite supporters who voted for his 
United Iraqi Alliance because it promised to set a timetable for US military 

The raw figures demonstrate the scope of the anti-occupation insurgency. US 
casualties are running at the highest levels since the January election. In 
May, 80 US personnel were killed and so far in June another 75 have died-an 
average of nearly three a day. The number of US deaths for the year to June 27, 
is 890 and, since the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the total is 1,740.

The number of attacks by armed insurgents averaged 57 a day for January and 
February; dropped slightly to 53 a day in March and April, and hit 70 a day in 
May. Figures are not yet available for June but there is no indication that 
armed resistance is abating. Over the past two months, 52 Iraqi government, 
legal and religious officials have been assassinated. At least 1,338 people, 
including many Iraqi police and army personnel, have been killed since 
al-Jaafari formed his government on April 28.

The attacks reported over the past few days give an indication of the level of 
armed conflict. On Monday, a US Apache gunship crashed at Mishahda north of 
Baghdad killing both pilots. Eyewitnesses said the helicopter was shot down by 
a rocket. According to Associated Press statistics, there have been 20 fatal 
helicopter crashes since March 2003, in which 128 people have died.

Yesterday also, a bomb exploded in eastern Baghdad killing at least four people 
and injuring another 16. Another two people were killed by a roadside bomb in 
northern Azamiyah neighbourhood.

On Sunday, three suicide bombs killed at least 32 people in the northern city 
of Mosul. The first blast took place when a pickup truck laden with explosives 
slammed into a downtown police station, killing at least 10 policemen and two 
civilians. Two hours later, 16 people lost their lives when a suicide bomber 
blew himself up outside an Iraqi army base on the city outskirts. The third 
explosion at the Mosul's Jumhouri Teaching Hospital killed five policemen and 
injured several others.

Elsewhere in Iraq, another 18 more people were killed on Sunday, including a US 
soldier whose convoy was hit by a roadside bomb in Baghdad. Six Iraqi soldiers 
were gunned down outside their base north of the capital. The previous day in 
Mosul, a suicide car bomb exploded at a police checkpoint, killing five 
officers and wounding two more.

Last Thursday, a suicide car bomber attacked a US convoy near Fallujah, killing 
six American troops and injuring at least 13. The US media has focussed on the 
fact that three of the dead and 11 of the wounded were women, but the site of 
the attack is more significant. Last November, the US military levelled much of 
Fallujah and put what remained of the city under tight martial law, yet it has 
clearly failed to eliminate armed anti-US resistance in the area.

An article on the New York Times last week highlighted the difficulties facing 
US military commanders: "[W]ith recent American troop levels-139,000 now-they 
have been forced to play an infernal board game, constantly shuttling combat 
units from one war zone to another, leaving insurgent buildups unmet in some 
places while they deal with more urgent problems elsewhere...

"High-intensity operations like the one at Fallujah are like driving a stake 
into a hornets' nest, many American officers say. They scatter the insurgents, 
who regroup and return as soon as American troop numbers are reduced. Seven 
months after Fallujah was recaptured, in ruins, pockets of insurgents still 
operate in the city. Tal Afar, Mosul, Qaim, Haditha, Samarra, Ramadi, 
Hillah-all have been targets of coalition offensives, only for the insurgents 
to come back, starting the circle over."

As the article explained, the number of effective combat troops is far smaller 
than the overall totals. "American commanders, their army bottom-heavy with 
support units, have at most 60,000 American and allied combat soldiers 
available, and only a fraction as many Iraqi soldiers rated combat-ready."

Unreliable Iraqi government forces

On paper, the number of Iraqi police and soldiers, as of this month, is more 
than 168,000. But these forces, on which the Pentagon is depending to play a 
larger role, are unreliable and infiltrated by resistance members.

An article in last week's Newsweek magazine entitled "Enemy Spies" highlighted 
the fact that the Iraqi security forces have "hundreds of 'ghost soldiers' who 
vanish, sometimes for months on end, but continue to draw their pay." The fear 
that these "ghost soldiers" have connections to the insurgency was confirmed 
when a recruit to the notorious Wolf Brigade, who had gone AWOL, walked into 
the elite unit's heavily-protected headquarters in Baghdad on June 11 and blew 
himself up. Three brigade members were killed and a dozen others were wounded.

At least 176 Iraqi police have been directly implicated in recent car 
bombings-their fingerprints were found on bomb debris. According to Security 
Minister Abdul Karim al-Inizi, that is only a fraction of the total number of 
infiltrators. "A number way bigger than that is still active and still in 
service," he told Newsweek. Referring to the recruitment of former members of 
Saddam Hussein's hated Mukhabarat intelligence service, he added: "They 
penetrated easily because [the] government brought them back without asking 
enough questions."

According to US estimates, its forces killed 15,000 insurgents over the past 
year, but the figure for the strength of the insurgency remains about the 
same-between 12,000 and 20,000. An unnamed Special Operations source told the 
magazine, only 1,000 of the insurgents were foreign fighters and the rest were 
Iraqis, who could count on "as many as 400,000 auxiliaries and support 
personnel". He indicated that there were at least 40 distinct resistance groups 
which at times combined forces for joint operations.

The US is continuing to mount repressive sweeps through areas thought to be 
sympathetic to the insurgency. The arbitrary killing and detention of 
"suspected insurgents" only fuels anger and hostility that provides more 
recruits to the armed resistance groups. One indication of the size and scope 
of such operations is the fact that the US military has been compelled to 
expand the capacity of the jails under its control to make room for more and 
more detainees.

An article in the Los Angeles Times on June 26 revealed that as of last 
Saturday the prisoner total in June stood at 10,783 on average, up from 7,837 
in January and 5,435 in June 2004. Major General William Brandenburg, who 
oversees US-run prisons in Iraq, told the newspaper: "Business is booming". Not 
only has the Pentagon been compelled to abandon plans to hand over Abu Ghraib 
prison to Iraqi authorities, but is preparing to spend $50 million to expand 
overall jail capacity to 16,000 prisoners.

The main two US-run prisons-Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca-are operating near their 
limits. So volatile are the prisons that US authorities are constantly on the 
watch for potential unrest. Two major riots have broken out in Camp Bucca over 
the last six months. On January 31, guards used live ammunition to break up a 
riot, killing four inmates. The vast majority of the prisoners are Iraqis and 
only a small fraction-about 1,600 detainees over more than two years-have been 
sent to the Iraqi court system.

Confronted with the failure to suppress the insurgency, US and Iraqi officials 
are attempting to split the opposition. An article in the London-based Times on 
June 26 provided details of a meeting between US officials and insurgent 
leaders at a villa north of Baghdad. It included representatives of Ansar 
al-Sunna, which claimed responsibility for killing 22 people in the dining hall 
of a US base at Mosul last Christmas. The US group included senior American 
military and intelligence officers, an embassy official and a Congressional 
staff member.

US Defence Secretary Rumsfeld acknowledged that the meeting, and "probably many 
more", had taken place, but refused to confirm any details and downplayed its 
significance. There was every reason for Rumsfeld to dismiss the Times article, 
which confirmed that such efforts have been a complete failure. While US 
intelligence officers unsuccessfully attempted to wheedle information from 
those present, the insurgent leaders insisted that all they were interested in 
talking about was a withdrawal date for US forces.

One response in Washington to the deteriorating military situation is to demand 
a beefing up of the US military presence in Iraq-more soldiers, more gunships 
and more repression to cow a hostile population. Whatever its immediate and 
temporary successes, such a strategy would inevitably generate more hostility 
and provoke broader overt opposition-armed and otherwise-to what is an illegal 
neo-colonial occupation aimed at subjugating the oil-rich country to US 
economic and strategic interests.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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