Donation Zakat, and alms Infaq to rebuild the infrastructure and facilities 
after the earthquake 7.9 Richter worship can be channeled

Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west of Sumatra SR 7.9

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb..Reality is happening today in the post-earthquake west 
of Sumatra SR 7.9 is the kids were not the place to take your lessons because 
they recite already collapsed, Friday prayers were performed in the emergency 
tent / cabin beds / terrain which, if rain and pilgrims all more pitiful adzan 
never heard from again after the earthquake practical congregational prayer has 
never been there longer because they mosque have disintegrated since 8 (eight) 
months ago. 

We're certainly very concerned about this condition so that the acceleration of 
the reconstruction of this religious facilities have been very urgent and 
negotiable because the number of religious buildings to collapse and damaged 
thousands of units. 

Affirmation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs that the government does not 
provide funding / budget in national budget for infrastructure rebuilding 
places of worship after the 7.9 Richter earthquake which struck late last year 
West Sumatera all of us. Similarly Budgets Provinces / Districts / Cities in 
West Sumatra is not set aside funds to rebuild the Masjid / Mushalla / mosque / 
TPA / MDA which collapsed and damaged after the earthquake TSB 

GOD willing, the plan has been prepared In accordance Executive Committee 
Recreating & Rehabilitation surau (KPRRS) established  focus on improving the 
infrastructure facilities of worship for the first phase will improve the 180 
mosques, 897 mosque / surau, 89 TPA-TPSA / MDA of 7.9 Richter quake collapsed 
in Padang Pariaman, Pariaman & Agam, West Sumatra Province, Republic of 
Indonesia. For that please 
support in all forms for all our both overseas and in the realm of moral and 
material world saentero and convey this information to the rest of the Muslim 
Ummah around the world saetero 

Donation Zakat, and alms Infaq to rebuild the infrastructure and facilities 
after the earthquake 7.9 Richter worship can be channeled to the number 

a)      Account No. 7100 0220 0660 51, Bank Nagari Sharia (BPD Sumatra Barat) 
Padang Sharia Branch;

b) Account No. 2760 009 374, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Padang Branch;

c) Account No. 0189 141 311, Branch Syariah BNI Syariah;

d) Account No. 00009 0156 0000 160, BTN Bank Padang Branch.

We also received assistance in the form of the Qur'an, Shalat equipment, Iqro, 
etc. The book assesses the child's equipment will be disbursed to
Mosque / Mushalla / mosque / TPA / TPSA / MDA in need and may be sent to the 
secretariat address Pariaman KPRRS in west Sumatra


Komite Pelaksana Refungsionalisasi & Rehabilitasi Surau

b. Abbreviation Name: KPRRS

c. Date Established: October 9, 2009 Masehi/19 Shawwal 1430 Hijri

d. Deed Establishment
1. Deed No.: 59
2. Date: December 1, 2009
3. Notary name: Rina Meilani, SH

e. Registered sign
1. Number: 005/KPL/I-2010
2. Agency: Agency and Well Kesbangpol
3. Permit Period: January 19, 2012

f. Domicile Certificate: 17/KG-PDS/SKD/I/2010

g. TIN: 02.998.

h. KPRRS Secretariat Address:
Tongga Nan Road Block A, No. 5 Village East Village Pariaman Gadang Pariaman 
District of West Sumatra Province - Republic
Indonesia 25 523
Phone: (+62-751) 8276781, (+62-751) 9826781, +6281363078890, +628197511300

Jazakum Allahu khairan for your continued support.


Rizki Mirdani Sikumbang
Presiden of KPRRS

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