Why the Terror Plots Are False


August 13, 2006


here are strong reasons to believe that Muslims are
not responsible for 
the recently unveiled terror plots both in Toronto and
London. To 
understand the reasons why these plots are false, one
has to begin with 
himself and think from inside out. I would begin with
myself as a 
Muslim, who shares the beliefs that are attributed to
the alleged 
terrorists, but does not feel compelled to even think
about murdering 
innocent civilians. Terrorists supposedly believe

a) The present world order is unjust. It is a
continuation of 700-year 
old colonial fascism.

b) The former colonialism has combined with new
systems for exploiting 
the natural resources of the weak and maintaining full
control of their 
political systems through puppets.

c) The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq are illegitimate
and illegal.

d) 9/11 was an inside job[1] 
unless we see evidence 
to the contrary or find answers to the long lists of

e) Bush and Blair are neck deep in the blood of
innocent Muslims and 

f) Aggression and oppression should be resisted.

g) Muslims deserve the right to self-determination and
self-rule and 
should struggle to live by Islam, free from colonial

h) The dying British Empire illegally imposed Israel
on the local Arab 
population and took its land. Regardless of any
solution to the 
Muslim-Israel problem, it is an illegitimate, racist
state created and 
sustained with the help of terrorism and racism.

Despite these facts and beliefs, and despite being
from Pakistan, I will 
never sacrifice even a dead cell of my body, an ounce
of my energy or a 
second of my time in an act that will /harm/ a single
individual -- let alone hundreds and thousands of
innocent civilians. 
The reason is simple: there is no religious, moral,
legal, logical or 
rational justification for doing so. Even from the
material, secular 
perspective, there is absolutely no benefit to Muslims
at large from a 
few Muslims engaging in such acts on their behalf.

Applying the same understanding to the men accused in
the recently 
unveiled terrorist plots, it is inconceivable for a
Muslim to believe 
that they had planned to kill themselves and innocent
civilians. How is 
it possible that I could not find a single Pakistani
who was willing to 
take my book, /The End of Democracy/, while traveling
to Pakistan? 
Similarly, I couldn't find a single Pakistani who was
willing to bring a 
1994 newspaper article about BCCI's closure from
Pakistan to Canada.[3] 
<http://www.icssa.org/why_plots_false.html#_ftn3> It
is really 
surprising to see dozens of Pakistani Muslims who were
willing to plant 
bombs on planes.

Muslims who share the same "misplaced grievances,"
with the 
"Islamic-fascists" know from their personal experience
that there is 
much more than meets the eye in the alleged terrorist

These plots, even if they had succeeded, can never
benefit Muslims or 
Islam. To the contrary, it is evident that these plots
have neatly 
provided Islamophobes and the so-called leaders of the
free world with a 
chance to remind us of their fight against the
"Islamic fascists". 

The idea of bombarding the public with news of foiled
or successful 
terrorist attacks is based on some faulty assumptions.
One assumption is 
that Muslims are "nihilists" to the extent that
against all logic, 
reason and religious commandments, they are out to
kill civilians. The 
other assumption is that the general public is stupid
enough to ignore 
the pronouncements from Mr. Blair that this is not a
war on terrorism or 
regime change but a war to impose "value systems" on
the Muslim 

When people in the position of Bush and Blair are
determined to change a 
way of life of 1.5 billion people, and regard lying
and killing 
thousands of people as "collateral damage" for this
cause, cooking up a 
couple of fake terror plots are the most benign acts
on their part for a 
great cause. That is why it would be hard for the
architects of false 
and real terrorist plots to convince both the Muslim
and non-Muslim 
masses that Islam, or grievances against the West, or
of religion, continues to engage some Muslims in
irreligious, immoral, 
illegal and irrational acts of terrorism. This simply
doesn't make any 
sense at all.

If radicalism or fascism means the belief of creating
a new order 
through terrorism, then the present-day political and
economic order in 
the West is the result of such radicalism and fascism.
Tony Blair's idea 
of imposing a "value systems" on 1.5 billion people is
a sign of fascism.

Historically, colonial crusades were based on the
belief that a wholly 
new world could be brought into being by acts of
terror. That is the sum 
and substance of American, British and Israeli
policies today. The true 
precursors of radicalism can be found in the earliest
European movements 
to colonize the world. The same approach resulted in
the establishment 
of the modern systems of political and economic
oppression. Any movement 
that resists this imperial order is crushed with
military force, and 
terrorism is used to keep people, particularly
Muslims, from challenging 
the status quo.

Islamic movements for self-determination are neither
terrorist movements 
nor have they any resemblance with the revolutionary
terrorism developed 
in late Tsarist Russia against a background of rapid
change. That was a 
totally different phenomenon with totally different
root causes. Cities 
were expanding; literacy was growing; population
growth was rapid; a new 
class of unemployed intellectuals was emerging. Russia
had all the marks 
of a fast-evolving society. The dislocated students
who took to terror 
as a political weapon had no clear objective or
ideology either from the 
past or for the future. Their view of future was
extremely hazy. They 
were more interested in the act of destruction itself
than in its 
supposed benefits. The father of Russian anarchism,
Mikhail Bakunin, 
summed up this attitude in a celebrated dictum: 'The
passion for 
destruction is also a creative passion." For those who
acted on this 
slogan, terrorism was a triumph of the will. Nothing
of this sort 
applies to Muslims struggle for liberation from the
never ending 
colonialism and puppet regimes in the Muslim world.

Some analysts argue that there are similarities
between comtemporary 
Islamic movements the European revolutionary
anarchism. Some analysts 
consider Al Qaeda as an 'Islamic project' that tried
to emulate European 
revolutionary anarchism.[5] 
There is no organized 
group in the Muslim world that behaves like the late
anarchists, who targeted public officials and used
terror to achieve 
their objectives.

Those who attribute terrorism to Al-Qaeda have no
evidence. The FBI has 
clearly said that it doesn't have any evidence against
Osama for his 
involvement in 9/11. Osama swore on the Holy Qur'an to
General Hamid Gul 
that he was not involved in the bombing in East Africa
in any capacity.

There are hidden forces, most probably the
intelligence agencies of the 
U.S., Israel and Pakistan, who coordinate and carry
out these terrorist 
operations to pin the blame on Muslims. This idea of
inflicting mass 
civilian casualties has more in common with modem
revolutionaries than it does with anything in medieval
times or in 
Islam. The architects of the false terror plots must
stop their 
adventures before these blow up in their faces, when
no one in the East 
and the West will believe any word from them. Like
other totalitarians, 
such as Hitler, they will have no option but to go out
first for blow up 
the world that doesn't agree with them, and later,
turn on themselves 
when they realize the impossibility of transforming
the whole world in 
their image with terrorism and aggression.

* *

* *

* Abid Ullah Jan is author of six books, including
"/After Fascism: 
Muslims and the Struggle for Self-determination 

* *



9/11 an inside 
job. See URL:

See some 
questions here: UR:

The article is 
available at: http://www.icssa.org/bcci.html 

See Tony 
blair's recent speech to the World Affairs Council in
Los Angeles on 
August 01, 2006. URL: 

See for 
example, John Gray's book, /Al-Qaeda and what it means
to be Modern/, 
New Press, London, 2003.

*Also see:*

* Musharraf's Hand in the New Terror Plot 

* New Terror Plot: Only Seeing is Believing 

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