Recently I proposed the application/pkcs8-encrypted media type registration. I 
thought I would ping this list (now) as well as the Unicode mailing list 
(eventually) to weigh in on some parameters that could use PRECIS. What are 
your thoughts?

application/pkcs8-encrypted is proposed for the PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo 
type. For purposes of our discussion, the format takes as input an opaque octet 
string (any octet in the range 00h-FFh, of any length), and executes various 
specified algorithms; the result is a decrypted private key. The most common 
algorithm is PBKDF2, but any algorithm can be used (including, for example, a 
raw symmetric encryption algorithm such as AES-256).

PKCS #8 uses PKCS #5. PKCS #8 and PKCS #5 are embedded in a variety of other 
protocols and formats, including PKCS #12.

PKCS #8 punts on the issue of character encoding. It says that ASCII or UTF-8 
could be used, but doesn’t enforce anything in particular. PKCS #12 specifies 
UTF-16LE with a terminating NULL character (00h 00h).

In the application/pkcs8-encrypted registration, I thought it might be wise to 
allow senders and receivers to specify how input (whether user input or 
otherwise) gets mapped to the octet string, since it’s not part of the format. 
However my concern at that time was to reflect IANA character sets, rather than 
profiles of Unicode.

Currently, I am thinking that the parameter “charset” should be renamed to 
“mapping” (or “pw-mapping”), and “mapping” (or “pw-mapping”) can include the 
following special values:
*pkcs12          for PKCS #12
*precis          for RFC 7613 Section 4 (Passwords)

Thank you,


The relevant part of the template (proposed 2015-11-04) is:

Optional parameters:
charset: When the private key encryption algorithm incorporates a “password" 
that is an octet string, a mapping between user input and the octet string is 
desirable. PKCS #5 [RFC2898] Section 3 recommends "that applications follow 
some common text encoding rules"; it then suggests, but does not recommend, 
ASCII and UTF-8. This parameter specifies the charset that a recipient SHOULD 
attempt first when mapping user input to the octet string. It has the same 
semantics as the charset parameter from text/plain, except that it only applies 
to the user’s input of the password. There is no default value.

ualg: When the charset is a Unicode-based encoding, this parameter is a 
space-delimited list of Unicode algorithms that a recipient SHOULD first 
attempt to apply to the Unicode user input in succession, in order to derive 
the octet string. The list of algorithm keywords is defined by [UNICODE]. 
“Tailored operations” are operations that are sensitive to language, which must 
be provided as an input parameter. If a tailored operation is called for, the 
exclamation mark followed by the [BCP47] language tag specifies the language. 
For example, "toNFD toNFKC_Casefold!tr" first applies Normalization Form D, 
followed by Normalization Form KC with Case Folding in the Turkish language, 
according to [UNICODE] and [UAX31]. The default value of this parameter is 
empty, and leaves the matter of whether to normalize, case fold, or apply other 
transformations unspecified.

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