We are starting a website dedicated to this subject.  We want as much 
information (facts) and professional opinions as possible.  We will be 
constantly adding to it as new information comes in.  The site domain name (not 
up yet) is www.visual-foxpro-end-of-life-conversions.com.  You can get to the 
rough draft of this site by clicking here.
Opinions about whether to stay with VFP or leave vary widely.  There is not a 
simple stay/leave answer.  We will be publishing 
www.visual-foxpro-end-of-life-conversions.com by the first of the year and then 
widely advertising it.  
If you could take a minute and look at the rough draft of the site, I would 
appreciate it.  
To to HomeClick here to see the site.  Your comments welcome.  I want as much 
good information and opinions as possible.  

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I know this subject has been discussed widely for many years but there is no 
one place where all possible information and opinions reside.  
Wes Wilson Wes Wilson, President   ERW Custom Programming, Inc. Crescent Lake 
5459  Elizabeth Lake Rd.
Waterford, MI 48327 
(248) 683-4182 
LinkedIn Profile
 www.erw.com weswil...@erw.com  


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