Good to hear how it went.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 10:07 PM Kurt at VR-FX <> wrote:

> Charlie,
> Seriously - a Dissertation? But, of course - you Jest! That being said -
> I get the humor of that comment - as I have used the same comment before.
> Will make a Short reply now - and possibly follow-up with a longer reply
> at a later time.
> 1st, to be honest - they did NOT mind that I delayed the interview.
> Understand, I let them know about the death in the family - and thus why
> I was already down in South Cali. So, I didn't need to add about my not
> being fully prepared. They just assumed it was most a grief thing.
> Which, yeah, was part of the crazy things going on in my life lately.
> Its rough when a close cousin loses his youngest son! So, yeah, UCLA had
> NO Problems with me delaying interview by 1 day. They actually suggested
> a delay (which they might have turned into a week long delay) - but, I
> said no.
> In the end, I got to the interview a tad late due to insane LA traffic -
> and they were VERY Understating!!!
> Finally - interview went VERY Well! They seemed to be Very impressed by
> my code. Actually had Multiple program crashes. One due to a setting in
> their VFP environ - which I fixed quickly by just changing some settings
> in the data environ/session. Oddly - they were running VFP 6 and NOT
> VFP9! Ugh! Then, the 2nd crash was a kinda epic fail - since it seems
> the ASCAN command had major changes done between  V6 & 9! So - to
> resolve that - we simply ran from my laptop connected to their Big Arse
> TV screen!
> So - all went great. They all seemed truly impressed - and, I did the
> whole thing in front of 6 people this time around. I've heard of other
> people in the past having like 4 people in an interview - and grilled by
> all - and being intimidated by that. But, 6 was better - and it was like
> I had a Captive audience! As such, I did indeed shine!!!
> Final outcome should be this coming Monday! Although will admit - I'm
> still VERY Wary of trying to survive on such a LOW SALARY!!!
> -K-
> On 3/20/2019 8:56 AM, Charlie-gm wrote:
> > My 2 cents (after I wrote this, I realize this is more like a
> > dissertation than a "quick" thought... sorry).
> >
> > First, grab all those questions Ted mentioned and organize them. You
> > will want to use them - maybe at the end of the interview when they
> > say "do you have any questions for me?" (The "experts" say having
> > active questions about the project/employer puts a big "+" to you with
> > the interviewer). You may know the answers to some already.
> >
> > I also agree that you should not postpone the interview. Try taking
> > some time today, 15-30 minutes here and there, writing down your prep.
> > Make sure and "write down" things. I bet by the afternoon you'll feel
> > comfortable about the interview. Remember, they ARE LOOKING for help,
> > and you know you can help them.
> >
> > As for proposing a solution: first, sure, take in what folks on this
> > list say, but evaluate what you think is reasonable and beneficial for
> > YOU. The last thing you want is to recommend something based on what
> > buzzwords you think they want to hear (that they probably don't
> > understand anyway), and then having the nightmare of trying to deliver
> > it. Next, "frame" your recommendation to them - in other words, drop
> > out a few bullet points before going into the recommendation. For
> > example:
> > - need absolute minimal disruption to users of current application
> > (emphasize more or less based on what you know about their 'concern'
> > or usage or admiration of the current application)
> > - want a smooth transition from current developer (assuming
> > "transition" is definitely in their mind, so word this accordingly -
> > key point, show you view the current developer as a key resource -
> > unless you know they are flat out angry with him in some way - in that
> > case, focus on "functional" transition - aka do not lose functionality)
> > - want to move out of current environment quickly (I assume the
> > current environment is something like the app is on individual
> > workstations, connected to a network drive/DB, etc)
> > - need an expandable/adaptable platform for their business cases (or
> > functional needs, or some other non-corporate term since this is a
> > university)
> > - cost is important - initial as well as yearly recurring
> > - [if you know of a couple other things they have greatly emphasized,
> > repeat them here - but don't repeat them if they were purely
> > technology statements - e.g. if they've said several times "We need to
> > move this onto .Net" or something like that - don't repeat that here.
> > Those kind of statements show a lack of strategic thinking on their
> > part. But if they've said things like "integrating with our other
> > university systems" - that is a true business/functional goal so it
> > would be good to repeat here (and VFP can do that quite easily -
> > remember, in the end, it's all about the data).
> >
> > Then this is the kind of outline I'd use
> > 1) start off with FoxInCloud - cost is low, extremely low risk of
> > functional loss, immediate ability to expand functionality, but may
> > need significant server power
> > 2) while maintaining with FoxInCloud, carefully research other
> > platforms for potential code conversion, determine: up front cost,
> > maintenance cost, licensing fees, staffing needs
> > 3) quarterly review research, redirect focus accordingly - it could
> > well be FoxInCloud will be shown the superior long-term solution as well
> > 4) if a rewrite into another platform is chosen, develop deployment
> > plan, incorporating user-noted critical operations (e.g.- "no matter
> > what, make sure I never lose my course material", "make sure I always
> > have that pop-up option copy something to my calendar" , or whatever)
> >
> > This approach gives them time to carefully evaluate alternatives with
> > extremely low risk of losing functionality or usability, while moving
> > into an easier manageable/deployable domain (aka web/browser -
> > although I have to laugh at that... more info at the end of this
> > message). At the same time, it brings on a valuable resource - YOU -
> > that can help them into a long-term path for this application and
> > maybe others.
> >
> > Now, if they push about alternative platforms you're aware of:
> > 1) C#/.Net - expensive long-term (licensing/MS updates/deprecations),
> > high risk of long schedule and/or functional/degradation during
> > conversion, but many resources available (at a price)
> > 2) Apache - PHP - Javascript/frameworks - low expense, probable
> > functional degradation/loss - or significant time to replicate, many
> > resources available (but pricey if need to hire consultants, etc)
> > 3) Alpha - somewhat expensive, probable functional degradation/loss
> > (only FoxPro 2.6 table access - advanced VFP database stuff not
> > available), may take significant time to "convert". But BE CAREFUL in
> > talking about this one - it sounds like they have already been exposed
> > to months of "marketing talk" - so you have to be careful about
> > sounding negative on this. You MIGHT mention it is proprietary, so you
> > think it would be a good idea to do independent, detailed technical
> > deep-dives before choosing it. Also, do more research on the Alpha
> > website before the interview - look for comments on the Web.
> > 4) Servoy (you probably should do a quick look at their website, etc.
> > I looked at them but decided it would be a huge rewrite of my code
> > base, etc - not to mention expensive the last time I checked)
> > 5) X# is a possibility, and may be a low-risk translation when VFP
> > syntax becomes available, but need to be wary of potential costs
> > (.Net? - aka, look at what Oracle recently did with Java licensing...)
> >
> > One thing that may come up is security. If you go with the FoxInCloud
> > as the starting point, talk to Therry - get some points about how that
> > platform addresses security. If you don't feel comfortable talking
> > about HTTPS, TLS2.0, certificate management, man-in-the-middle
> > attacks, blah blah blah, don't bring it up yourself (sorry about the
> > buzzword drops). They may not even be aware of the massive attack
> > vectors they are opening by moving an application to the "web" - but
> > at least be prepared to give a few points about your primary proposal
> > if they ask about it.
> >
> > So, again, with the above alternatives, you need to look at this from
> > YOUR angle. But let me try to put your mind at ease. None... and I
> > mean ABSOLUTELY NONE, of all the latest fads of languages, platforms,
> > blah blah blah, are conceptually much different than what you already
> > know about developing applications. The challenge is the massively
> > different SYNTAX and TERMINOLOGY they use (as time goes on I'm
> > becoming more convinced that platforms that created "new"
> > syntax/terminology did so for marketing, and not technical,
> > advancement). JVM? -> VFP runtime files. Client-server? -> buffered
> > data (yes, much more, but conceptually think extra steps to "commit"
> > data, etc). APIs? -> object methods (but the object could be MASSIVE,
> > a whole application unto itself). I am over-simplifying to a degree,
> > but if you have developed the ability to solve complicated problems in
> > VFP, then you have the ability to translate and internalize all the
> > latest and greatest buzzword platforms so that you could use them
> > yourself. Note: if you go that route, you will likely be frustrated
> > and amazed at the "backward leaps" some of these "advanced
> > technologies" are as compared to VFP - hahahahaha.
> >
> > Sorry, this is too long already, but let me add a couple things. With
> > the FoxInCloud, you may want to talk with Therry directly about costs.
> > I think the base license is only 10 concurrent users. That may not be
> > adequate for how the current application is used. I could not find the
> > additional license fees on their site, so I'd say talk to him
> > privately. Just make sure you have some good estimates you can put in
> > front of them.
> >
> > Now look at the above and make it all YOUR OWN. If you don't like
> > something or are uncomfortable with it, toss it out. If you know of
> > something else that interests you, add it. At the end of the day this
> > is about matching you to a job. The key point is if you feel you would
> > be willing to dip into other technologies/platforms (albeit, generally
> > inferior ones), then you want to be clear you have that ability. And
> > that will require a little research - hopefully the above gives you
> > some starting points.
> >
> > If I recall, this interview may be more of a "code test" regarding
> > VFP. If so, that's great, you have no worries. Then, if they start
> > talking about the future and what path you would take, just be
> > confident in what you are proposing, and know WHY you are proposing
> > it. They need help, you can readily provide it.
> >
> > I'll end by briefly talking about 2 things: 1) I have NEVER seen a
> > "good" rewrite of any of my VFP applications (I've seen it attempted 5
> > times). 3 of the 5 ended with a loss of about 50% functionality -
> > about 400% higher maintenance costs (aka licensing, personnel), and
> > limited (or expensive) expandability - but hey, it runs in a web
> > browser (the client was very upset to say the least). In another, a
> > gov agency was providing software to help companies "file" data -Â
> > the gov decided it did not want to distribute VFP apps and so tried to
> > convert to a web-based .Net thing. After about 18 months (I think, I
> > didn't stay there until the end), they gave up the conversion effort
> > and decided to just publish a "data format" - so the companies had to
> > go pay for their own software development to create the filing (I
> > thought about tapping into that, but the insanity at the gov
> > organization and the filing companies really put me off - and I had
> > other cool things sitting in front of me <g>). For the last one, the
> > conversion went on for about 2 years I think (not sure I wasn't
> > there), but apparently they gave up on that too. It turns out they are
> > still using my VFP application (actually several of them on the same
> > "specialized framework"). This is 20 YEARS LATER! ROFLMAO - thinking
> > back to some of the "discussions" I had with MS .Net certified
> > experts, how they told me VFP is not a viable long-term platform, it
> > could not support complicated business needs.... hahahahaha... all the
> > apps those guys worked on... ALL OF THEM - have gone the way of the
> > dodo bird - and those VFP apps are chugging along.
> >
> > Sorry... not brief at all... but number 2) is, guess what.... Rich
> > Client Applications have won the war. Of course, most "web vendors"
> > are trying to hide that fact. But if you look at the "advancements" in
> > Javascript - they are all about client-side processing. They recently
> > put things in like "service workers", and "indexed database"
> > (different term? - can't remember), local cache management... Oh...
> > my.... god. I recently finished a "nanodegree" in front-end web
> > development and when we got to those "advancements" I really nearly
> > fell out of my chair laughing. All these things ALL OF THEM I did in
> > VFP like 20 years ago (server application - distributed VFP apps -
> > with West-wind as the 'linking' piece). And the claims about web
> > applications being easier to deploy and easier to maintain.... oops...
> > I really almost fell out of my chair laughing again. In that course, I
> > spent maybe 40% of the time "debugging" the freakin' framework they
> > wanted us to use (Angular, Vue, React, Ember, Jasmine, blah blah
> > blah). But to be fair, some of those things are getting close to the
> > stability and reliability that VFP has. I heard recently (on this
> > list?) that maybe Python and other languages are going to be
> > "natively" available in browsers soon. I sure hope so. Javascript is
> > interesting, but it is not object-oriented, and it's been
> > "functionally patching" itself like crazy and thus has a lot of quirks
> > that get in the way (and create maintenance nightmares).
> >
> > Ok, those last 2 paragraphs were a digression. I was trying to give
> > you confidence that you can indeed pick up any of the advanced---
> > oops, threw up in my mouth a little... So let me say, pick up any of
> > the "newer" platforms. For me, the best way to learn them is not
> > necessarily "courses" (nor "certification programs"), but to build
> > something "real" with them. If you land this job, you can help the
> > employer in the near-term and then learn those other platforms and
> > help them pick the "right" one (instead of the best-marketed one). I
> > would also say, do not make the interview about a defense of VFP -
> > instead, make it about you being a resource that can reliably meet
> > their near-term needs as well as their long-term needs.
> >
> > Wishing you the best of luck.
> >
> > HTH,
> > -Charlie
> >
> >
> > On 3/20/2019 7:28 AM, Ted Roche wrote:
> >> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 1:45 AM Kurt at VR-FX <>
> wrote
> >>
> >>>   The second interview is coming up, it's supposed
> >>> to be this Thursday, but I might try to postpone until Friday. Too much
> >>> stuff going on in my life lately, including doing 2 different part time
> >>> jobs and an extended relative who passed away recently,
> >>
> >> I'm sympathetic to your situation, but you don't want the wrong
> >> interviewer
> >> hearing that you're too busy babysitting parrots to interview for a job.
> >> That's harsh, and you might not want to work for such a jerk, but you
> >> don't
> >> want to raise red flags, or even questions, during the interview
> >> process,
> >> OTOH, you don't want to work for jerks, either. OTOOH, they're paying
> >> peanuts and desperate for Fox expertise. Your call,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> It looks like UCLA really wants to move away from Foxpro, as they know
> >>> it's a dead language. But, they want to move to something similar to
> >>> VFP.
> >>
> >> And that's why they are hiring you. I you have an answer during the
> >> interview, you'd be jumping the gun.  "If all you have is a hammer,
> >> everything looks like a nail." Your job should be to learn the app,
> >> learn
> >> what it interfaces with, what it gets for inputs and what it needs to
> >> output (PDF, JPEG, XML, JSON, CSV, EBCDIC?) and determine the optimal
> >> tool
> >> to do all of that and hopefully minimize the transition. It may be
> >> really
> >> easy to migrate the app to FoxXYZ, but if that can't do what they need,
> >> that's useless.
> >>
> >> A 30 year's experienced app developer may have some real legacy stuff in
> >> their app, and conversion can be a large undertaking. Along with a
> >> parallel
> >> investigation of what the client needs the app to do is an audit of what
> >> the application already does, Whil's Developer Guide went into this
> >> in some
> >> detail, and I presented a series of lectures with checklists and
> >> software
> >> for an initial audit.
> >>
> >> So, the answer to the question on what they should do is to ask what
> >> they
> >> want, and what they have? How many lines of code? How many tables?
> >> How many
> >> fields? Where's the ERD? How many output documents, reports? Where
> >> does the
> >> data come from? Where does it go? What's the IT infrastructure? What
> >> kind
> >> of data servers do they support? What kind of maintenance windows are
> >> allowed? Where are the users? How do they access the data: PCs,
> >> laptops on
> >> the road, tablets, phones, embedded in other services? How responsive
> >> does
> >> the app have to be? What happens in case of failure? What's the backup
> >> strategy? What's the disaster recovery plan?
> >>
> >> I suspect its also because the 1 and only programmer there, who's
> >>> been there for like 30 years and may be retiring soon - doesn't want to
> >>> learn something Totally new. And, also wants to minimize the
> >>> transition!
> >>>
> >> It's likely your job is to learn everything the old Obi-Wan knows and
> >> become the new master. Realistically (and perhaps this isn't an
> >> interview
> >> topic), you'll keep the old app running for some time as you
> >> transition the
> >> data model, the business model, the services model and the
> >> interface(s) to
> >> the new platform.
> >>
> >>
> >>> They are asking me to propose what I think is the best option.
> >>
> >> When a consultant tells me they have the solution to all of my business
> >> needs by replacing a 30-year-old system with whatever they are
> >> selling, on
> >> the first meeting, sight-unseen, I would be rightfully skeptical.
> >>
> >> The right answer is that they need to let you learn the app and research
> >> the right solution. If you can convince them you are knowlegeable about
> >> what is available, and what the issues are that need to be addressed
> >> in a
> >> migration, then they should hire you to do your job.
> >>
> >> There are a lot of good resources out there, like this list, the
> >> FoxWiki,
> >> books, whitepapers, but you will need to do the footwork. See if you can
> >> convince them to pay you to do that.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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