I have VFP code that combines multiple events recorded on a phone app into
a single Timeline table.  The final step in the code is to copy to type
XL5.  Each time the code is run to include new data, the output file is
written with the same name

I opened the resulting file in Google sheets with the data in the first tab
called DATA. Subsequent tabs query the DATA  tab to produce charts with
various combinations of events for various time frames.  The charts can be
exported as PDFs for external use.

My issue is figuring out the best way to update the data in the Sheets file
as new data is available.  Here are some considerations and ideas:

·        Each time I upload the data file to Google Drive the same filename
is assigned to a different file (all with the same name.) The only way I
have found to determine which is the authority is to look at the last
modified time.  This seems like an invitation to user errors.  Perhaps
there is a configuration change to avoid this behavior.

·        Sheets has the capability to query data from an unopened table if
its URL is specified in the query.  Wiping and reimporting the data appears
to be a workable approach but it requires finding the correct file to
import to the DATA sheet with the specified URL used to hold the data,

·        Another possibility might be to open the table from VFP in Sheets
and record the URL on the clipboard and then open the Sheets file
containing the chart specs and update the URL in the query.

·        Another might be to copy the data to the clipboard and then paste
it into a DATA tab on the Charts sheet.

·        Finally, I’m wondering if there is a way to write the data onto
the clipboard from VFP and then paste it directly into the Sheets Chart
sheet.  This would eliminate the nuisance of uploads and filename confusion.

·        A pure VFP approach would eliminate the need for data transfer,
but I chose the Google approach because I am new to charts and because I
wanted to learn about Google’s capabilities.

Any suggestions welcome!

Thanks in advance - Joe

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