ouaouh so old ? and still working ?
Some of you remember that I am a railway fan and a ... fossile in computer
programming. Last week, I have benn hired by SNCF (the French National Railways)
to maintain an app built in 1991 with ... Pascal. In fact there is a new app
being built but it is ver
Hi Johan
I listened to Fabrice speeches on X# in Lyon (France) last friday. It was very
interesting even if I didn't understand all what he said (I am 64 and more a
specialist of DOS than Windows ;-) ). But I think it will open a door to 'modern
programming' !
Some of us are going to try to
The Foxil
Le 15/05/2019 à 20:39, juer...@wondzinski.de a écrit :
We don't talk about endusers, we are the experts. Experts are using data
directly and edit directly in a browse. PAH!!
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Le 15/05/2019 à 20:36, Koen Piller a écrit :
And where is set filter in this respect?
Browse is not for end users, with a grid you are better of.
NO !
having begun with Fox Dos, I am very easy with command lines, on key label,
browse, ... a lot more easy than using the mouse ! And
so to improve this solution : print the time and then add the sequential number
as milliseconds such as :
172543.124 : the ticket has been printed at 17h25m43s and is the 124th ...
The Foxil
Le 11/10/2018 à 17:12, Frank Cazabon a écrit :
That may work!
Frank Cazabon
On 11/10/2018 10:
Hi Gene,
'append from' appends data from a file on the disk and a cursor is not a file !
Can you try this :
APPEND FROM (DBF(m.alimport))
The Foxil
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HI Gene,
I can read your post so your are wrong
it's very rare I can read original post. In most cases, I only read responses.
Happily they include the original question !
The Foxil
Le 27/03/2018 à 00:36, Gene Wirchenko a écrit :
I do not appear to be able to originate thre
Hi Gene,
have you tried
WITH (m.reference)
.referredto =
The Foxil
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it was surprising to hear Bowie in the space. I think it's the best improvment
made by Mr Musk : allowing sound waves travelling through the 'vacuum' ;-)
The Foxil
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On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 9:05 AM, Laurie Alvey wrote:
Mmm. I didn't get the original post.
Mine was in gmail spam folder
I have the same problem but for some time now : I do not receive original
messages and they are not in the spam folder. But all answers are ok. And
sometimes the
a long time ago, I read this joke :
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
very long pause….
Have a nice week-end !
The Foxil
Le 13/01/2018 à 14:23, AndyHC a écrit :
Knock knock!
Is there anybody there?
[excessive quoting removed by server]
I am here too !
The Foxil
Le 13/01/2018 à 14:23, AndyHC a écrit :
Knock knock!
Is there anybody there?
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I happy to see you again Woody !!
By the way I am the only one Foxil ...
The Foxil
In Grenoble - France
PS for some times I don't receive the first mail of a post but only those
beginning with 'Re:'. I mean 4 posts on 5 are correct (sad news, Trigger design)
but I didn't receive the original
So, I think I am beginning with Alzheimer !
The Foxil
Le 01/09/2017 20:44, Laurie Alvey a écrit :
Yeah, the one "with the enormous memory" was the Commodore 64 (64K)!
On 1 September 2017 at 18:44, Ted Roche wrote:
"The VIC-20 had 5 KB of RAM, of which only 3.5 KB remained available
Hi Laurie,
I had a Vic20 and I think it was the first microcomputer to have 64koctets of
memory. It was based on a 6502 microprocessor. I spent a lot of nights with it
before meeting my future wife !
The Foxil
Le 01/09/2017 19:04, Laurie Alvey a écrit :
Didn't everyone at least dabble
These last few days, I am smiling when I read Profox : I thought I was the only
'Foxil' still working with Foxpro DOS (I have an app working on a Compaq PC that
is 23 years old !) and I am an 'expert' of FORTRAN : when I was in university it
was one the few languages available (with COBOL and a
you can try :
right clic on the icon (the one on the desktop), properties, select icon (in
french : changer d'icône). The first suggestion should be the good one.
the Foxil
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Le 24/07/2017 16:57, mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com a écrit :
Should I use the WWWC forum instead?
NO !
I only read Profox and I want to be 'aware' of FIC ! The [FIC] prefix is
sufficient for those who want to filter this part of the list ...
The Foxil
Hi Rafael,
I think we have all the same problem. Here in France, a standard is 100 mails
per hour. What I have done is a 'slave app' sending one email each 40 seconds.
The main app fills a table with all datas needed to send the email : @, text,
files to join, etc. It tooks a very short time a
IMHO, if you have a RLOCK() / UNLOCK you don't need the FLUSH command. I
remember, but it is far, that the fact to lock a rcord forces the 'flush'. Can
someone agree or disagree ?
The Foxil
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Hi Michael,
in fact each time you modify a memo field, its previous space is marked as
'unused' and a new space is created on the HDD. I think that the only way to
avoid the size to grow is to PACK MEMO the table at the end of the update (or
perhaps during the update if the size'grow (is it un
you MUST NOT have m as local alias. Choose another letter !!
The Foxil
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Hi Tom,
what do you want to have as a result if your datas are
1 A 10
1 B 20
1 A 30
If you want
1 A 40
1 B 20
you can write
SELECT stock_id, location, SUM(quantity) as mysum FROM mytable
GROUP BY stock_id, location
but in this case (and except with VFP) you can't have a 'quantit
You can try Foxypreviewer :
The Foxil
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I am here too ... but I am working in ... FORTRAN for a client.
I am maintening (surveying ?) a VFP app whose author retired. It manages bicycle
private renter (people who rent bicycle). The biggest client has 1 machines
and he lives in the biggest naturist camp in Europe !
To see who
Why not create a recursive function with ADIR() ?
The Foxil
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Hi Wayne,
after the READ, there is no more 'event' you can work with (I mean there are no
more active GET). So, yes, _curobj can only be set in functions (clauses ?)
called from a @GET command. I remember that you can also set the first GET to
be active in the READ statement but I don't reme
Le 20/02/2016 21:28, mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com a écrit :
I've often thought: the order of your GROUPING doesn't matterdoes it?
Either way, it's the same distinct combination.
No if you have'nt an order by clause : by default the order is the one given by
the group by (I h
1) if you work with VFP9, try SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR 70before the SELECT. If it
solves the problem you'll have to change the command. Can you try it ?
2) you have no alias in the field's names so do not write one in the group by
clause so it's "group by release_no"
3) I am not sure 100% but if yo
Hey, it's my youth !! I began to work with HP9810, HP9820 and HP9830
'microcomputer'. Then I built a clock with Intel 4004 microprocessor. It was
only 230Khz and yes only one accumulator.
I learnt Fortran a little further by reading a book "computer programming,
techniques analysis and ?" whos
1) yes
2) 60
We never know : may be we will meet a young and beautiful girl ?
The Foxil
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can you try to write FILE(lcexportpath+lcimage) without parenthesis around
lcexportpath and
COPY FILE (lcexportpath + lcimage) TO (lcexportpath + UPPER(ALLTRIM(doc_url)) )
And I also use ADIR()>0 instead of FILE !
The Foxil
Post Messages t
Hi Laurie,
read in help :
*Numeric* value with no decimals
For example, a line number in an order.
4 bytes
-2147483647 to 2147483647
But I don't think that CAST would throw an error in case of overflow. If bit n°
31 (the 'most left' one) is 1 then t
Hi Darren,
I confirm your values ! It's not useful to compute with BITRSHIFT as I do for
...a long time. But it prooves something : VFP is very quick
The Foxil
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Hi Laurie,
I do think that BITRSHIFT is a lot quicker than /2. BITRSHIFT can be done with
only one machine cycle (clock tic); the division is a lot more complex.
this is true only if K is an integer (k = CAST(8E9 AS integer)). Otherwise you
must add add the conversion time between numeri
there is another solution not so efficient that the one you want but a lot more
The first time a table is needed for lookup, you download it in the datasession
n°1 (for example). I do this using a class with a child class for each table.
Using pemstatus( ,5) I can chek if the child cl
Another way is to reuse the deleted records. In few words : to delete a record,
I transform the (integer) key value to the negative one (mykey = -ABS(mykey)).
When I have a record to add, I lookfor the first record with a negative key. If
FOUND() I replace the data and the key with the new ones;
Hi Paul,
if you want I call your guy ... I'am french !!
I have seen disturbances (problems) with OpenOffice where the '.' on the numeric
keypad gives a ',' but, IMHO, it's normal. What is not normal is that OpenOffice
can't 'analyse' the value.
In my VFP apps I have
the best way to be sure is to write INNER, LEFT OUTER or RIGHT OUTER in each
query !!
The Foxil
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I wouldn't leave fields ddate and cCategory without 'Cat.' and if you are under
VFP9, I'll write
SELECT led.iCat_Id, cat.ddate, Led.iCat_Id, cat.cCategory ;
FROM cat INNER JOIN led ON cat.icat_id = led.icat_id ;
INTO CURSOR myresult
You can detect if the same icat_id belongs to mor
my two cents :
at the beginning, I used the 'visual data environment' until one day a 'table
object' became sized 0,0 and I was unable to reinitialize it to a normal size.
So I came back to what I like a lot : code. In fact, sometimes I open the
dataenvironment, put a table on it, drag the obj
Hi Kurt,
when I looked to the french word 'indispensable', my French-English dictionary
gave me 'essential' ;-)
The Foxil
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Le 22/04/2015 16:44, Ed Leafe a écrit :
Always glad to hear that ProFox is still a valuable resource!
I am looking for a word stronger than 'valuable' : perhaps 'essential' ?
The Foxil
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I wonder one thing : I have NEVER had problems with longfield names. Is'nt it
because of the space in the name that you have your problem ?
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have a look at AFIELDS() and COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED ...
The Foxil
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There is NO un_Addproperty but you can find a function named REMOVEPROPERTY()
There is also a method named .removeobject()
The Foxil
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Hi Rafael,
you must care of one thing : when you write "oClient = _screen.oClient", you are
NOT copying one object to the other. You are only duplicating its adress.
So if you modify a poperty of oClient, the modification will appear in
The Foxil
I didn't understand what "showing the position as a page" is, but if you create
an index and you SEEK the company, you can BROWSE the result and you will see a
'page' !
Note : there are the command SEEK and a function SEEK(); I prefer the second one
perhaps in the BROWSE, the 'r
Hi Kevin,
another Foxil ? :-) ;-)
The Foxil
Le 19/03/2015 14:39, Kevin Cully a écrit :
I have a new client that has a Foxpro 2.0 for DOS app that they've been
running for decades. They've had some fits and starts on upgrading it to
Visual Foxpro. I hope I'll be able to finish the upgrade.
Hi William,
as I am an old foxer, I began to design form in 800*600 and with mwresize they
match screen resolution automatically but it is not always beautiful :
things can become too big. Si I have modified Markus'class to limit the 'growing
What I have done is built a form cla
Hi Joe,
you can use ADBOBJECT() to get all the tables of a database in an array as in
the example given in the help :
* Open sample testdata database
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'Data\testdata')
* Function call with cSetting for table names
* Displays array gaTables
Hi Thierry,
why looking for so far when it is so near !
But I have an issue : with this program:
loobj = CREATEOBJECT("test")
Hi Kevin,
it gives an error on the 'controls' property that can't be 'evaluate' because it
is a collection.
If you allow me, I'll 'improve' it ! I will also add recursivity because a
property can be a pointer to another class. But, as it is for my own 'pleasure',
priority is low and it will
I would like to test transmission of datas between two exe with shared memory
(CreateFileMapping, OpenFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, UnmapViewOfFile).
I can do it work with strings (I can send a string and I can receive it in the
second exe).
But now, I want to improve it : I would like to trans
First, mstate is not RTRIMMED !
And you could write less code, and more efficient, and more readable, with
USE us_cities ALIAS cities ORDER TAG cities IN 0
USE h-1b_fy14_q4 ALIAS mastfile
SEEK(RTRIM(mastfile.lca_case12)+ ;
mlat = n3
you are right : lookup moves the record pointer. There is a parameter in
INDEXSEEK to say 'no move of record pointer'.
LOOKUP returns a field value; INDEXSEEK a logical
The Foxil
Le 20/01/2015 15:55, Tracy Pearson a écrit :
I don't think I've ever used the LOOKUP() function.
from where ? when ? train number ?!!? ;-)
Jean à Grenoble
Le 20/01/2015 15:12, Allen a écrit :
Thanks Jean Maurice
PS I will be taking to your favourite transport next week. Train to Paris
and back.
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Hi Allen,
I think that LOOKUP() can solve your issue ...
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What about building a class based on container ? With one field for the number
formatted WITH ..., one for the 'comment' and a spinner for priority ...
If you have more than one phone number to deal with and you don't want to build
a child table, you can store them in a memo field : one lin
Le 11/11/2014 01:39, Ted Roche a écrit :
select * from example where linkcode in (select linkcode from example group
by linkcode having count(*)>1 )
I didn't know that we could have a 'group by' clause without any 'agregation
field' (SUM(), AVG(), ...). It's why I built a '2 stages' query ...
Hi Sytze,
you should buy Tamar Granor's book about SQL ...
Your query could be something like
SELECT * FROM rotables ;
WHERE linkcode IN ;
(SELECT linkcode FROM (SELECT linkcode, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM rotables ;
) ;
ORDER BY linkcode INTO
Le 07/11/2014 08:40, John R. Sowden a écrit :
FP/DOS lives for a few more years,
Congratulations !
The Foxil
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Is it a simple 'BROWSE' command or it has a lot of parameters like BROWSE FIELDS
toto:40:H="sample" FORMAT myformat PREFERENCE .. ?
The Foxil
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Le 04/11/2014 16:08, Jeff Johnson a écrit :
I can't imagine why someone would do that other than simulating free tables
while using DBC's.
IMHO, when you open a table belonging to a database, the database is
automatically open. So you can use long field name, ...
For fun, as you seem to have t
Yes. For years I have written CAST(O AS Integer) AS disponible in the SQL query
followed by a REPLACE ALL after the query.
The Foxil
Le 29/10/2014 16:21, Bill Anderson a écrit :
If you take out the Disponible field does the query work and produce
accurate results?
Bill Anderson
today, the simplest way to solve the issueis the ICASEgiven by Paul Hill.
The Foxil
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Hi Bill,
this is not an error ! cantine_services and cantine_salles are linked together
(it's a school restaurant, pupils are dispached in 4 groups that eat in 2 rooms)
but tarifs_cantine is independant (it's the cost of different menus) and I want
a 'cartesian product' (?) : on line per tarif
Hi Bill : unknown alias ta !
The Foxil
Le 28/10/2014 22:08, Bill Anderson a écrit :
That should fail. The column names would not be available to be used in the
SELECT portion of the clause. If you use the HAVING clause as part of the
join, the column names are available to be used.
a little more :
writing the table name instead of local alias avoid the syntax error but the
result is wrong.
SELECT DISTINCT ta.codtarif AS tarif, ;
sv.clef AS clefserv, sv.salle, sv.capacite AS servdispo, sv.libelle AS
service, ;
sal.capacite AS salledispo, sal.libelle AS nom
about wrapping these 4 numbers
with EVL(< subquery >, 0) or even EVL(< subquery >, 10**10) depending on
what you want to do with the result when (if?) the subquery returns a NULL.
Bill Anderson
On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Paul Hill
On 28 October 2014 17:17, Jean MAURICE
I try it at once(I already tried with EVALUATE alone but it failed)
The Foxil
Le 28/10/2014 21:12, Bill Anderson a écrit :
First, this... (VFP 9 specific)
SELECT CAST(EVALUATE([MIN(1, 2, 3, 4)]) AS N(7, 2)) AS MinimumTest FROM
Browser I
Hi Stephen,
I am getting a single cursor with a lot of columns; 4 of them are numeric and
one more is '000.00 AS minimum'
The Foxil
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I have a curious issue !
In a SQL query, I get 4 numeric fields from 4 tables (with subqueries). I want a
fifth field containing the minimum value of the 4 fields (of the current line).
But when I write MIN(), even in an EVALUATE command, SQL thinks it is a SQL MIN().
Is there a way to comput
Le 17/09/2014 09:41, Laurie Alvey a écrit :
Actually you don't need to specify INNER, the keyword JOIN by itself is
implicitly an INNER JOIN. You only need the full syntax when you're using
That's true but when you read your query some years later, i
Hi everybody,
I am working with a customer app written with VFP8. We had a 'bug' preventing us
to do the night backup : someone has left his app opened in a report preview
before leaving. So the tables were opened ...
Have we a way to abort the report preview window after a timer (one hour fo
I was able to connect a display, or a balance to a fox app when I worked under
DOS ... but now I must do the same thing with WIN7 or WIN8 and VFP8 and a USB port.
Can someone give me the first steps to do ? I would like to use again FOPEN ...
but how can we tell FOPEN that we want to work with
In my first years of computing, a long time ago, IBM stood for It's Better
Manual ...
Sorry Ed !
Th Foxil
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>I thought the same thing at first until I read that ADDITIVE clause. Still
applies to bloat concern??
Yes !
In fact, VFP doesn't manage 'not sequential segments' (or blocs). All the memo
content must be contiguous in the .fpt file. So when size increase, VFP must
'disable' the actual blocs
Le 04/08/2014 13:52, Gérard Lochon a écrit :
PS : tu reste à gamberger tout l'été
au lieu d'aller te ressourcer ?
En fait, j'ai déjà pris des 'vacances' en juin et je repars faire du train en
Suisse en Septembre ! Ma femme est en congé depuis la semaine dernière mais on
reste à Grenoble ou dan
Hi Koen,
I'll give a try ... but I have already done my fourteen cut and paste
The Foxil
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Hi Ted,
Thanks for your answer.
I am playing with FoxCharts and VFP. I have built a form with 14 pages (and it's
growing !) and in each page there is a graph. Each graph is built only once in
the activate event of the page.
With FoxCharts is shipped Visual FoxCharts Designer that allows you
Hi everybody,
has anyone worked with readmethod() ?
I would like to store in a table some methods of a form. Readmethod is supposed
to work only during design time but in fact it seems to work also during run
time but only form some objects : it works for form and pageframe but not for a
here is what I tried :
CREATE TABLE essaisql FREE (recnum I, val N(12,6))
FOR i = 1 TO 1
INSERT INTO essaisql VALUES(i, 1000* RAND())
NEXT && i = 1 TO 1
x = 500
SELECT INT(recnum/x) AS periode, SUM(val) AS somme, AVG(val) AS moyenne ;
FROM essaisql GROUP BY periode ORDER BY pe
Hi Joe,
if you have one record per second, why not grouping on 'RECNO()' instead of the
datetime field ?
The Foxil
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Le 21/04/2014 21:13, Tracy Pearson a écrit :
Since this is VFP 6, I'm not sure what tool is available to you for
searching your code for a "SET PROC" line.
Hi Desmond,
you can download the textsearch utility from Ed'site
The Foxil
Hi Gene,
that's right and I already use this features in some places. But as I started
again with a grid ...
Thanks anyway.
The Foxil
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Hi Paul,
selecting all the pupils is not the problem. The issue I want to avoid is : the
operator has deselected 2 pupils and when he/she want to deselect the third one
he/she forgets the CTRL Key and then all pupils are deselected and he/she must
redo the work ... it's not a big problem but j
Hi Ted,
I tried the MOUSE command but with no success (in english it seems to be 'cyclic
So I am going to use a grid ...
The Foxil
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I have to work on all the pupils in a classroom but one or two. So I built a
listbox with the name of all the pupils (about 35). In the init of the listbox,
I 'select' all the lines.
If I ctrl+clic on a pupil, it becomes unselected and selected again if I redo
the ctrl-clic. It's exactly
That's right ! I did not think about that ...
The Foxil
Le 25/03/2014 21:04, Fred Taylor a écrit :
Won't work if the insert mode is in overstrike, data would be overwritten.
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Jean MAURICE wrote:
I think the best way to do this is to do a
I think the best way to do this is to do a 'good old'
In the F5 key ...
The Foxil
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Le 14/03/2014 15:33, Stephen Russell a écrit :
she tried to write something in French ... but she was wrong !
"Ceci n'est pas PI" est mieux !
The Foxil
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Hi Ted,
I did a lot of BASIC on HP9830, VIC20 and WANG 2200 + HPIB : it was long long
ago !!! I nearly wrote 'once upon a time ...' !!
I would have been happy to try freebasic but nowadays I have a 64 bits machine
The Foxil
Le 21/02/2014 19:40, Ted Roche a écrit :
BASIC was my fi
Le 03/02/2014 18:13, Rafael Copquin a écrit :
Hi Jean Maurice
You can send it to me and I shall try to translate it, if it is not too long
Rafael Copquin
Hi Rafael,
it's so old I forgot I already put the library on the web. You can download it
here :
long time ago, I began to buid a library to interface VFP with Open Office. If
you can read simple French, I can send it to you as 'it is'.
I you can't, you'll have to wait some days that I write some english comment.
When I built it, it was OpenOffice 2 (!), I don't know if it still
and I think that in some very rare cases, complex SQL queries results with VFP9
differ from the same queries in VFP6 even if enginebehavior is set to 70. But I
have no example to show.
The Foxil
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I use teamviewer but I never tried to stop the remote desktop or even the host
It is free for a 'private usage' : http://www.teamviewer.com
The Foxil
PS Happy Christmas to all of you !
Post Messages to: ProFox@leafe.com
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I think I do ! In fact I am not sure with the translation.
When you have a lot of 'states' and a lot of conditions, you built an array.
With one line per state and one column per condition. In each cell of this
array, you get the index of the next state you must go and the name of the
it's such a success that some other are 'birthing' (is that clear ?) in Europe :
Best Regards
The Foxil
Post Messages to: ProFox@leafe.com
Subscription Maintenance: http://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo
and what about using .. VFP ? with Winsock it works really good (in fact I only
send messages (mailing campaigns) and I never try to receive them ...) and you
have acces to each 'parameter' !
Francis Faure, a MVP, built a class around Winsock and I have built classes
around it.
The Foxil
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