Re: Systray class

2007-10-11 Thread Jim Winter
Vince Teachout wrote: I was checking out the samples included with VFP. This is cool! Where did you find this class? I've been looking for it in vfp7 and vfp9, and can't find it, nor do I find systray in the Help files. Vince, In VFP9, look in Home()\Samples\Solution\Toledo\. HTH,

Re: VFP 9 and ODBC for Access

2007-10-05 Thread Jim Winter
Philip Borkholder wrote: Hey All, I've been trying to connect to VFP 9 database containers from Access and am getting an error that does not recognize the tables as tables. Using the ODBC Visual Foxpro Database driver. Anyone know what to do to connect Access to VFP 9 database Philip,

RE: Adding controls to a grid column

2006-10-26 Thread Jim Winter
I thought it was about time I learned something new and had wanted to add a combo to a grid column for a while. Also just come across a need to have a command button as a column in a grid. Looked at the help file and it says use addobject(...) to add the control, then use

RE: Problem with class init

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Winter
if used('tablename') = .F. use data\tablename in 0 endif You can avoid that with code like this. USE Data\TableName IN SELECT('TableName') If the table is open, the command is ignored and if it's not, the table gets opened in the next available work area. Regards, Jim

RE: Using a seek instead of a locate

2006-09-14 Thread Jim Winter
How can I duplicate the following code using the seek command: SCAN SELECT Invoice LOCATE FOR in_code = lnCustCode DO WHILE FOUND() do some code CONTINUE ENDDO SELECT sometable ENDSCAN The is extremely slow as this codes is already in another loop and therefore

RE: ProFox List Statistics for August, 2006

2006-09-01 Thread Jim Winter
Did anyone spot that one person is on there three times and actually wins with 82 posts ? Allen -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of List Administrator Account Top 20 Contributors by Number of Non-OT Posts

RE: Move directories

2006-08-31 Thread Jim Winter
Any suggestions how I can move a directory (including any subdirectories and files) from one drive to another? So far I have tried: MoveFile Win32API - will not move across drives, also does not like UNC file paths WScript.Shell - Fails with OLE error code 0x800a0046/004c/003a if

RE: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)

2006-08-30 Thread Jim Winter
Pardon my ignorance but I have never heard the expression bouncing a server. What does it mean, please. TIA HALinNY I think he meant balancing the server - term I've heard but have no idea how to do. Regards, Jim ___ Post Messages to:

RE: Case Statement

2006-08-18 Thread Jim Winter
Are the VarType() commands supposed to have the .T. in it to guess it's an Object, or a .F. to return the X instead? Tracy .F., which is the default, to return X for a null value. Regards, Jim ___ Post Messages to:

RE: Inno Setup question

2006-07-21 Thread Jim Winter
I have a free standing table, and a form with a 25 page pageframe Altogether there are some 100 text boxes and/or check boxes etc. As the client scrolls throught the table, depending on a specific flag, I need to either make the ENTIRE form read-only, or not read only. Is there a way to

RE: Unique indexes are bad because why again?

2006-07-21 Thread Jim Winter
If you set order to 0 and browse, are all the bob's gone? They shouldn't be because only the first Bob is in the index. Regards, Jim ___ Post Messages to: Subscription Maintenance:


2006-07-05 Thread Jim Winter
Grigore, We've known you were an MVP for some time now. Great to hear Microsoft realizes it too! Good going! Jim ___ Post Messages to: Subscription Maintenance: OT-free version of this

String or binary data would be truncated

2006-06-30 Thread Jim Winter
Getting the message 'String or binary data would be truncated.' when I try to save an updated remote view back to SQL Server . Only one field in the view is set to Updateable and that field is defined as decimal (15,2) in SQL Server. The view, as initially set in

RE: Docking Toolbar in Top-Level Form

2006-06-28 Thread Jim Winter
I just sold a VFP 9.0 to a newbie and was going to email him some VFP sites to look at. One was and on the main page is a link to an article by Mike Feltman called: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Docking in VFP. The article link points to, (LA user

Path resolution at design and run time

2006-06-22 Thread Jim Winter
Ran into an interesting situation that I haven't seen before. I have a command button with a picture on it. The full path to the picture was listed in the picture property, but, by mistake, I left out an intermediate directory so it was pointing to a nonexistent directory. The picture was