Dear Mitch,
I upgraded graphviz and did
graphview '' NB. show empty view
graphview 'digraph G { a->b }',LFNB. show from graph def
graphview '~addons/graphics/graphviz/testsm/' NB. show graph file
Which are working.
Thank you very
Hi Ulrich,
Yes, that would explain it.
The simplest way around this is to do for Darwin what the Windows code does and
ignore any path settings and specify the full path to dot in the call to spawn.
This seems like a reasonable approach.
I just updated the addon to do this.
Please try it an
Hi David,
I looked for the source code of spawn which seems to be 2!:0@]
I tried
2!:0 'pwd'
2!:0 'ls'
Which work as expected.
2!:0 'echo $PATH‘
I found out that there is a different path which is used by 2!:0, different
from the path in the console window.
Dear David,
Thank you very much for your efforts.
Please tell me if I can help you.
> Am 04.07.2019 um 16:38 schrieb Ulrich Vollert :
> Hi David,
> The file graphview.svg contains a svg-drawing: a circled letter 'a' pointing
> to a circled letter ‚b' which I added to my
Hi Ulrich,
It looks like the dot program did what it was supposed to do, but, for some
reason, J thinks there was an error from spawn.
I'll see if I can puzzle it out by reviewing the J source code. J does use
different code for spawn on Darwin than on Windows or Linux.
All the best,
Hi David,
The file graphview.svg contains a svg-drawing: a circled letter 'a' pointing to
a circled letter ‚b' which I added to my email, but the png-image was removed
from my email.
I assume that this svg-file is the expected answer.
So, I assume that dot is working as expected and without e
Your message seems to be truncated. Does that mean that the .svg outoput file
was created, but is empty?
I have two other suggestions.
You could try putting a space after the -o and before the file name.
Also, you could try:
ldd /usr/local/bin/dot
to see if all needed libraries are availabl