
Wise words! Quick comment from my side, feel free to launch separate threads on 
some of your topics below.  As for my perception of the original idea: 
something lile OpenSuse is what we want, I think. 

Feedback from others welcome,


On 19 mai 2014 18:58:51 CEST, "Marc Paré" <> wrote:
>Le 2014-05-15 09:28, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
>> Hi *,
>> this mail is more or less a call for vote about what approach is
>> In the past there was discussion/requests to have multilang planet.
>> Problem is that currently used planet aggregator at
>> doesn't expose filtering abilities, so
>> there has been reservation with regard to allowing non-English
>> submissions.
>> The main question is now to whether have one huge planet where ~
>> everyone is aggregated, no matter what language, and whoever only
>> wants english has to use filtersettings himself, or whether to setup
>> multiple independent planets, each focused on one language/set of
>> languages.
>> basically is about
>> the first variant (all aggregated with filter capability).
>> But before spending time on setting it up that way: is this what what
>> NL-Projects want/expect? Please state your opinion :-)
>> Would one for English, one for "all others" also be an option, or is
>> this a fundamentally bad idea?
>> "I want…
>> [ ] …a single, multilanguage planet
>> [x] …separate planets per (set of) languages
>> [x] …____________________________________ (own suggestion)" (BELOW)
>I am still in favour that would 
>now be the official planet with the nl planets showing in the right 
>margin. Or as Cedric suggested on the FR list, a setup such as the 
>Opensouse site would also work[1](source code [2]), The links at the
>would show the different nl planets and NOT the blogs.
>However, I do have some comments about the effectiveness of that site, 
>in particular, if we were to follow such a model, I would suggest:
>* links at the top would be nl planets
>* link names would all be localised
>* there would be a link to the EN planet
>* all articles showing on the landing page would be those of official 
>TDF/LibreOffice news (no EN blogs other than an Official TDF blog would
>show on this landing page)
>Ultimately offer the following feature:
>* offer registrations offering members the option of picking favourites
>(nl planets), permitting them to see only the planets of their choice 
>once logged in (allow members to be logged in over an extended 7 days
>promote regular visits to the site)
>* IMO, we should eventually work towards a "one TDF login does all" for
>all of our sites. This will allow us another metric for marketing 
>purposes -- even better as these members would be more engaged members.
>IMO, and this comment is what I find, since having joined the
>we should really move away from the EN language being considered the
>voice. I agree totally with the idea of having EN as the "lingua
>of communication with the project (and for contributor groups), BUT, 
>what has happened is the decimation of the EN community. There is no 
>real nl-EN work being produced by nl-EN members. The overall impression
>from EN members is that they do not have their own space and that 
>everyone considers anything EN tantamount to an official statement from
>the project.
>We need to re-introduce the EN community wherever we can. In doing so, 
>this will send a clear message to the nl groups that there is no 
>language of greater importance and that they can produce 
>first-run/first-thought-of ideas in their own communities. If the EN 
>community is interested in communicating this to ther members, then
>can easily translate these and post them through their own nl-EN
>We had discussed this at a particularly long-length on the website 
>list[3] in Dec. 2012, most of which still applies today.
>Marc Paré
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