[proletar] Osama Bin Laden's Message

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Harry Adinegara
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive," Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a single line of Coded message:

[proletar] Ghos tmail....Re: [islamkristen] Monika Nur

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
On 13 Jul 06, at 2:19, Mail Delivery System wrote: Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module: *** TCP/IP error while processing job *** A network error has

[proletar] Ghos tmail....Re: [islamkristen] Monika Nur

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Lazimnya orang Islam yang bisa masuk perangkap ghost mail begini... On 12 Jul 06, at 15:59, Jusfiq Hadjar wrote: > Monika itu tidak lebih dari seekor binatang, binatang yang > melacurkan diri. tapi gpp lah, siapa tahu monika mau menjilati > duburku dan mau kusodomi, dan sama-sama menca

[proletar] Politisi Oportunis

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
Politisi Oportunis Selasa, 11 Juli 2006 Oleh: I Dewa Gde Satrya Widiadata* Patut diakui, sumbangsih organisasi kepemudaan (OKP) terhadap kepemimpinan dan keterwakilan politik di Indonesia cukup besar. Setidaknya, berdasar catatan sejarah era Orde Lama hingga er

[proletar] Re: [islamkristen] Khamar & orang Islam tipikal yang dungu kayak anjing..

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
On 13 Jul 06, at 1:08, Jusfiq HADJAR wrote: Alinea ini: "Tapi orang Islam yang dungu-dungu kayak anjng dan telah menjadikan al-Mushaf yang tidak berbukti berisi wahyu Allah itu ikut-ikut mengharamkan alkohol itu... " mestinya berbunyi: Tapi orang Islam yang dungu-dungu

[proletar] Indonesia's brewing power struggle

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/HG13Ae02.html Jul 13, 2006 Indonesia's brewing power struggle By Bill Guerin JAKARTA - Just hours after the December 2004 tsunami battered Indonesia's coastal areas, Vice President Jusuf Kalla jumped into action. Kalla unilaterally summoned the

[proletar] Dian Pratama tukang kirim ghost mail dan dungu kayak anjing

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Orang Arab bilang, tanpa bukti, al-Mushaf itu berisi wahyu Allah. Dan Dian Pratama tukang kirim ghost mail dan yang dungu itu pun pasang jurus "anjing budug lapar melihat seonggok taik angat": dilahapnya saja kibulan orang Arab itu... Dan dijadikannnya al-Mushaf itu sebaga

[proletar] Kisah Para Pemimpin Besar

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://batampos.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1371&Itemid=33 Rabu, 12 Juli 2006 Kisah Para Pemimpin Besar Oleh: Riswandha Imawan* Akhir-akhir ini bangsa Indonesia didera musibah. Di tengah musibah itu, ungkapan retorik dengan perilaku teatrik

[proletar] Cuba steps in to aid East Timor health system

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.abc.net.au/cgi-bin/common/printfriendly.pl?http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2006/s1678441.htm ABC Online The World Today - Cuba steps in to aid East Timor health system [This is the print version of story http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2006/s1678441.htm] The W

[proletar] Tercabutnya Roh Diskriminatif

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
Refleksi: Bagus sudah ditulis Undang-Undang, sekarang yang dibutuhkan ialah undang-undang tsb dilaksanajkan di semua tingkat dan lapangan masyarakat. http://www.indomedia.com/bpost/072006/13/opini/opini3.htm Tercabutnya Roh Diskriminatif SELASA (11/7) adalah hari yang sangat bersejarah bagi

[proletar] Redefinisi Nilai

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.indomedia.com/bpost/072006/13/opini/opini2.htm Redefinisi Nilai Oleh: Widyarfendhi Praktisi bisnis Apabila kebijakan promosi yang diambil perusahaan memberikan hasil yang semakin jauh dari harapan yang ingin dicapai, maka saat itu perlu dilakukan redefinisi tatanan nilai yang melipu

[proletar] Aljazeera: Israeli tanks roll into Lebanon

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Close Israeli tanks roll into Lebanon by Wednesday 12 July 2006 7:58 AM GMT Israeli forces are searching for the missing soldier in Lebanon Hezbollah has captured two Israeli soldiers during cross-border clashes, prompting Israel to carry out a ground and air assault that has killed at

[proletar] Reposting: Docetisme, Nestorisme, Jahudi Kristen dll...

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Karena saya bukan penganut agama Nasrani, maka pengetahuan dasar saya tentang sejarah Nasrani juga pas-pasan.. Dan sebagai aktivis hak-hak azasi manusia saya dulu sudah senang saja bahwa Vatikan dan ke 342 gereja Nasrani itu menjunjung freedom of speech, freedom of opinion,

[proletar] Reposting: Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Vascular Health

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Saya fwd untuk orang Islam yang berpengetahuan dangkal kayak comberan di musim kemarau di Jakarta berita tentang maanfaat alkohol yang ditenggak secara moderat untuk mengurangi resiko penyakti jantung. Agar jelas: larangan al-Mushaf untuk menkonsumsi alkohol itu, dilihat

[proletar] Reposting: Medical News Archive: A Drink a Day Keeps Arteries Healthy

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Bukan hanya satu dua hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan manfaat konsumsi alkohol secara moderat. Dan orang Islam yang dungu-dungu masih saja berpegang kepada al- Mushaf yang mengharamkan alkohol itu - sementara TIDAK ada bukti bahwa al-Musahf itu memang berisi wahyu Allah.

[proletar] Reposting: Pengirim ghost mail..(was Re: [islamkristen] pengakuanku

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Bagi yang lupa: Posting dibawah inilah yang memunginkan saya mengetahui siapa pengirim ghost mail yagn berisi fitnah itu... Disini jelas dikatakan bahwa 1. postign ini yang isinya adalah fake, artinya ghost mail 2. kedua dijelaskan proxy server yang dipakai ya

[proletar] Re: [islamkristen] Monika Nur

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Kalau ada ghost mail seperti ini Dian Pratama juga biasanya tidak jauh... On 12 Jul 06, at 15:59, Jusfiq Hadjar wrote: > Monika itu tidak lebih dari seekor binatang, binatang yang melacurkan > diri. tapi gpp lah, siapa tahu monika mau menjilati duburku dan mau > kusodomi, dan sama-sama

[proletar] Reposting: Siapa pengirim ghost mail itu..(was Re: [islamkristen] pengakuanku

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Bagi yang tidak sempat melihat posting dibawah yang dikirim bulan Februari yang lalu... Perhatikan kalimat: --- P.S. I,, sent you this email using www.Fake-Mailer.com This email is fake. - Jadi jelas buat siap

[proletar] Reposting: Dian Pratama ketangkap basah oleh amrace69...(was Re: Al-kitab salah cetak...(was Re: [islamkristen] Pengakuan si se

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Ketangkap basah berdusta bilang dia ketemu posting di hard disk saya (padahal dia ketemu di internet), terbukti tukang kirim ghost mail yang berisifitnah, Dian Pratama yang adalah penipu dan tukang fitnah ini, kali ini ketangkap basah unjuk kemunafikan... Orang Islam tipikal

[proletar] Reposting: BBC: A daily dose of wine could improve the brain

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
BBC NEWSBBC Sport >> Graphics version >> Change to World edition >> -- -- News Front Page | World | UK | England | N Ireland | Scotland | Wales | Politics | Business | Entertainment | Science/Nature | Technology |

[proletar] Reposting: Medical News Archive: A Drink a Day Keeps Arteries Healthy

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Bukan hanya satu dua hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan manfaat konsumsi alkohol secara moderat. Dan orang Islam yang dungu-dungu masih saja berpegang kepada al- Mushaf yang mengharamkan alkohol itu - sementara TIDAK ada bukti bahwa al-Musahf itu memang berisi wahyu Allah.

[proletar] Reposting: The Australian: Wonder pill an elixir for our disease-filled, sex-starved lives

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Saya garis bawahi alinea ini: "Resveratrol was discovered in grape skins and red wine, when scientists were trying to unravel how it is that the French can consume copious quantities of alcohol, meat and cheese without succumbing to high rates of disease. Tests show resveratr

[proletar] Reposting: Re: [apakabar] Herbert Berg ttg.Wansbrough

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
FYI --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 27 Jul 2002, at 1:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: PAR 246 Revisionists: Wansbrough The implications of, and opposition to, the methods and theories of John Wansbrough Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 9.1 (1997) by Herbert Berg

[proletar] Reposting: Anggur Xeres & orang Islam tipikal yang bodoh ...(BBC: A sherry could keep doctor away

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Orang Islam yang bodoh dan mau saja mengikuti apa yang dikatakan al-Mushaf yang nota bene TIDAK ada bukti berisi wahyu Allah itu menganggap alkohol itu sebagai minuman setan. Begitu takutnya beberapa orang Islam itu akan alkohol, hingga ada, saya ingat diskusi di sebuah m

[proletar] Reposting: BBC: Why red wine is healthier

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Health Contents: Background Briefings | Medical notes | -- -- BBC News Online: Health -- -- Wednesday, 19 December, 2001, 19:00 GMT Why red wi

[proletar] Khamar & orang Islam tipikal yang dungu kayak anjing..

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Penelitian ilmiah yang mutaakhir menunjukkan bahwa alkohol yang ditenggak secara moderat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan Tapi orang Islam yang dungu-dungu kayak anjng dan telah menjadikan al-Mushaf yang tidak berbukti berisi wahyu Allah itu ikut-ikut mengharamkan alkohol itu

[proletar] Reposting: Netscape: Red wine may hold the secret to a longer life

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
If You Drink This, You May Live Longer Red wine may hold the secret to a longer life, say researchers from Harvard University, the University of Connecticut, and Brown University. Previous research has shown that when we drastically restrict our calorie intake, we may extend our lifespan. But

[proletar] Aljazeera: Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Close Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers by Wednesday 12 July 2006 7:58 AM GMT Israeli forces are searching for the missing soldier in Lebanon Hezbollah has captured two Israeli soldiers in attacks from Lebanon on enemy border posts, prompting Israel to launch a ground and air assa

[proletar] Reposting: BBC: Alcohol may protect women's bones

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Begitu banyak manfaat khamar (alkohol) itu bila diminum secara moderat, tapi al-Mushaf yang TIDAK berbukti berisi wahyu Allah itu mengharamkan khamar itu. (Cf. berita lain yang sudah saya fwded) Orang Islam Indonesia yagn memang dungu-dungu kayak keledai debil pengencu

[proletar] BBC: Police raids seek Mumbai bombers

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
BBC NEWS Police raids seek Mumbai bombers Police have carried out a series of raids in and around Mumbai as the search for those behind Tuesday's train bombing which killed 183 continues. As bomb squads combed the wrecked carriages, a leading Kashmiri militant group condemned the attacks and

[proletar] Reposting: BBC: 'Alcohol makes your brain grow'

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Nggak! Nggak, saya nggak akan pake berita ini sebagai argumen untuk bilang bahwa bila orang Islam tipikal itu banyak yang dungu, maka sebabnya adalah karena mereka mengharamkan alkohol .. Nggak! Kita tunggu dulu dah penelitian selanjutnya. Tapi, sekarang ini,

[proletar] Pertanyaan Berhadiah Total Rp 100.000.000,-

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik tawangalun
Pertanyaan Berhadiah Rp 1000.000.000,-(ke-1) Saya akan memberikan hadiah Rp 10.000.000,-bagi yang berhasil menjawab setiap satu pertanyaan saya.Padahal pertanyaanya itu ada 10 buah jadi kalau anda berhasil menjawab semua maka bakal mengantongi hadiah Rp 100.000.000,- Orang seperti saya ini jara

[proletar] U.S. Shifts Policy on Geneva Conventions

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/11/AR2006071100094.html?referrer=email U.S. Shifts Policy on Geneva Conventions Bowing to Justices, Administration Says It Will Apply Treaties to Terror Suspects By Charles Babington and Michael Abramowitz Washington Post Staff Writers

[proletar] Diskriminasi Pri-Nonpri Dihapus Hanyalah Policy Menipu HAM

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Ambon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > UU Kewarganegaraan Baru Disetujui > * Pri-Nonpri Dihapus > Dengan UU baru ini, SKBRI tidak diperlukan lagi oleh warga keturunan > Sebagian ganjalan untuk memperbaiki ekonomi adalah investasi maupun tegaknya HAM, kedua hal inilah ya

[proletar] Lestarikan Kebencian Kepada Yahudi Melalui AlQuran !!!

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
--- Rudy Lumban Tobing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hhh > Benci kok di pelihara yah mas :-) > Kasihan sekali mereka yang memelihara kebencian Benar, AlQuran memelihara kebencian kepada orang Yahudi dan kepada mereka penyembah berhala (Hindu, Buddha, dll). Tidak ada kitab suci

[proletar] Do you want earn 5,000 Dollars earnings per weak???

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
Do you want earn 5,000 Dollars earnings per weak??? >From the online hyip, investment, and other money making programs. Then be more cautious before you invest to some program. But the important thing is that some times it’s risky for a new comer and becomes the ideal when the confident is built.

[proletar] Want to make online Earning for typing????

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
Want to make online Earning for typing Every one is making online money, for typing, for reading, for writing whosoever has a bit of internet knowledge. The statistics shows Median annual earnings of word processors and typists in May 2004 were $28,030. The middle 50 percent earned between $

[proletar] Reposting: smrari tukang tipu dan tukang fitnah menfitnah item abu...(was ...(was aRe: [islamkristen] Re: Anak Auloh=> KETOLOL

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
(Susulan): Jadi: "smrari" tukang tipu inilah yang bodoh karena dia tidak tahu bahwa menurut transliterasi aksara Arab ke aksara Latin yang lazim dipakai di Asia Selatan bunyi 'i' itu ditulis 'ee'... Lalu item abu dan saya yang dikatakannnya tolol... On 7 Jul 06, at

[proletar] Re: Reposting: smrari nggak bisa mengelak lagi....(was Re: [islamkristen] Reposting

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Sebermula, "smrari" yang dungu kayak anjing itu menipu, dengan menyelipkan kata 'Muhammad' diterjemahan ayat al-Mushaf yang disampaikannnya... Ya, ketangkap basah... Karena di ayat itu TIDAK ada kata "Muhammad". Saya tunjukkan transliterasi ayat itu menurut kelazi

[proletar] Did you like to Earn Upto Million dollars from hyip programs?

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
Did you like to Earn Upto Million dollars from hyip programs? Is it possible to do it? but it’s up to the professional programmers or good business making people to make more online earnings, who know most of the tips and tricks. It has become possible due to modern communications which allowed

[proletar] One of the best ways to Double your $$ Money on the Internet;

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
One of the best ways to Double your $$ Money on the Internet; is by using high yields.These programs come with a risk, but the potential to rake in a lot of profit is there as well. Scams are another thing that you have to watch out for. Anytime a lot of money could be a possibility, there is alw

[proletar] You can qualify for Immigration Visa………… ???

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
The Highly Skilled Migrant Programme is one option that may be available to people wanting to immigrate to the UK or who are interested in getting a work permit for the UK. The Highly Skilled Migrant Programme operates on a points-based system and is designed to allow highly skilled people to migr

[proletar] Did you like to Earn Upto Million dollars from hyip programs?

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jim Bailey
Did you like to Earn Upto Million dollars from hyip programs? Is it possible to do it? but it’s up to the professional programmers or good business making people to make more online earnings, who know most of the tips and tricks. It has become possible due to modern communications which allowed

[proletar] Reposting: Sebermula "smrari" itu menipu...

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Sebermula, "smrari" menipu, dengan menyelipkan kata 'Muhammad' diterjemahan ayat al-Mushaf yang disampaikannnya... Ya, ketangkap basah... Karena di ayat itu TIDAK ada kata "Muhammad". Saya tunjukkan transliterasi ayat itu menurut kelaziman yang ada di Asia Selata

[proletar] Australia installs its man in East Timor: Jose Ramos-Horta

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2006/jul2006/etim-j12.shtml Australia installs its man in East Timor: Jose Ramos-Horta By Peter Symonds 12 July 2006 In what amounts to the culmination of an Australian neo-colonial putsch, Jose Ramos-Horta was formally sworn in as East Timor's new prime minister on

[proletar] Reposting: smrari nggak bisa mengelak lagi....(was Re: [islamkristen] Reposting: smrari tukang tipu dan tukang fitnah menfitn

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
smrari yang dungu kayak anjing ini, tukang kibul dan tukang fitnah ini akhirnya tidak lagi membantah bahwa dia telah ngibul ketika dia menyelipkan kata Muhammad diterjemahan ayat al-Mushaf yang disampaikannnya Yang dimasaalahkannnya sekarang adalah apakah saya bisa ata

[proletar] The Papua region is the HIV capital of Indonesia--but why?

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Asia: The Papua region is the HIV capital of Indonesia--but why? 07/12/2006 BY TAKESHI FUJITANI, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN JAYAPURA, Indonesia--In the evenings volunteers gather at Siti Nurdjaya's house in Jayapura, Papua province. They are here because they want to do something about the Papua region

[proletar] Death penalty for supplying food

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/death-penalty-for-supplying-food/2006/07/11/1152383741851.html Death penalty for supplying food Marianne Kearney in Jakarta July 12, 2006 SIX of the seven Papuans charged with the premeditated murder of three teachers at the Freeport mine in 2002 are facing th

[proletar] Death penalty for supplying food

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/death-penalty-for-supplying-food/2006/07/11/1152383741851.html Death penalty for supplying food Marianne Kearney in Jakarta July 12, 2006 SIX of the seven Papuans charged with the premeditated murder of three teachers at the Freeport mine in 2002 are facing th

[proletar] BBC: Police seek Mumbai bombs evidence

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
BBC NEWS Police seek Mumbai bombs evidence Indian police are hunting for clues as to who was behind Tuesday's bomb attacks on Mumbai's train network which killed 183 people and injured 714. Bomb squads and sniffer dogs are combing the wrecked carriages where the seven co-ordinated blasts occur


2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.antara.co.id/seenws/?id=37793 TIM OLIMPIADE RI GAGAL KE SLOVENIA KARENA VISA Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Karena persoalan visa yang tidak tepat waktu, Tim Olimpiade Matematika dari Indonesia gagal berangkat ke Slovenia dan siswa jeni

[proletar] Minister Witoelar falls unconscious after signing MoU with navy

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.antara.co.id/en/seenws/?id=16131 Minister Witoelar falls unconscious after signing MoU with navy Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State Minister of Environmental Affairs Rachmat Witoelar suddenly fell unconscious just few minutes after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ind

[proletar] BBC: Kashmir capital rocked by blasts

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
BBC NEWS Kashmir capital rocked by blasts At least eight people have been killed and 30 wounded in a series of grenade attacks in Indian-administered Kashmir's summer capital, police say. Seven of those killed in the five blasts in Srinagar were tourists. In one incident, suspected militants

[proletar] JP: Female students ordered to keep covered

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Allahu Akbar... Daerah mana yang akan menyusul? Female students ordered to keep covered Andi Hajramurni, The Jakarta Post, Makassar Incoming female high school students in Makassar, South Sulawesi, have been ordered to leave their leg-baring short skirts in the closet to avoid attr

[proletar] Yahoo! News (AP): Bombs tear through Indian trains; 147 dead

2006-07-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
Back to Story - Help Yahoo! News Bombs tear through Indian trains; 147 dead By RAMOLA TALWAR BADAM, Associated Press Writer 44 minutes ago Eight bombs hit Bombay's commuter rail network during rush hour Tuesday evening, killing at least 147 people and wounding more than 400 in what authorities