Orang2 Islam dikasih naik bus gratis sedangkan orang Austria yg udah
pensiun hrs bayar !!!???

Betul2 banyak sekali useful idiot dan super dhimmi yg jadi anjing buduk
piaraan orang Islam.

Tp lihat kelakuan orang2 Islam tsb, yg ga berhak naik bus gratis jg make
kesempatan unt naik bus gratis mentang2 mereka orang Islam.

Btw, gua jadi ingat kelakuan orang Indonesia yg make coin Indonesia unt
dipake di Amrik berhubung ukurannya sama dgn coin Amrik sesuai dgn cerita
kenalan gua. Kenalan gua itu orang Islam dan dia cerita tanpa merasa malu.
Gua rasa, yg praktek begitu jg orang Islam, krn gua ga pernah dengar
praktek spt itu di kalangan orang2 Indonesia yg gua kenal sendiri, dan yg
gua kenal sendiri itu sebagian besar adalah orang Kristen.

Asylum seekers travel free by bus, while Austrian pensioners have to
16:06 | Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe

The bus route in the zone of Maria Lanzendorf – Lower Austria has turned
into a showplace of wild scenes. The bus drivers are being called racists
by asylum seekers when it comes to travel card control, and in some cases
they don’t even show the card. Reports about these cases made to the
Eastern Region’s Transport Association received no answer. The drivers feel
that they have been left alone with their problems.

And these problems keep growing. A driver described to unzensuriert.at the
unbearable working conditions: “we cannot figure out whether the passenger
is the real holder of the travel card, for the cards are passed on from one
to another, and the identity of the person cannot be determined. If I check
more accurately, the passengers keep back and insult me for being a
racist”. There are about 20 persons in the zone of Maria Lanzendorf who are
involved in these goings-on.

Left alone by justice
But what bothers the driver most is that while the asylum seekers are
apparently given the travel cards for free, the Austrian pensioners must
pay for the cards. “There is always discussion about this – people do not
understand it”, says the bus driver, who feels himself left alone by his


 Labels: asylum
Austria <http://www.islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/search/label/Austria>

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