*Edited by Hugh Fogelman*

* *

Are you aware that there were two New Testaments (NT); the first one
collected in 140 C.E. that reflected the beliefs of the earliest Christians
regarding "the Christ" and the second New Testament, crafted over the next
3-4 centuries, which change these beliefs and which Christians have
inherited today?

Yes, the 2nd NT replaced the 1st. It added much to change the religious
concepts of "the Christ" that had been held by the earliest believers.
Pastor Craig Lyons says in his message; *"the New Testament that we have
today is a far cry from what it once was; let alone reflective of the
religious beliefs of the earliest Christians and followers of Jesus. Let me
say it another way: the Christianity of the second through the fifth
centuries is different as night and day from the earliest Christianity of
the first century." *

Pastor Craig Lyons*1 *says; *"Make so mistake about it; these scribes
'corrupted' their texts for theological reasons. The sad fact is that
Christians today and those who attempt to be followers of Jesus and "the
Christ" have inherited a New Testament that is not only a forgery and a
tragic misrepresentation of the religious beliefs held by the earliest
Christians concerning 'the Christ,' but have been led into idolatry because
of it. Even early Catholic Church Fathers like Justin Martyr, Eusebius,
Irenaeus, Marcion, and others confirm this when they changed these beliefs."

Pastor Lyons continues; *"The Christian church scribes altered the words of
their texts to make them appear more distinctly orthodox and by so doing
prevented their misuse by other sects of Christians who adopted deviant
views. Christian scribes of the second through the fifth centuries modified
the words of scripture they inherited. The words and religious beliefs and
doctrines of the earliest First New Testament (140 C.E.), reflecting the
earliest beliefs of the earliest Christians in the first and early second
century, came to be altered in the course of their transcription." *

There were various Christian theological debates of the second and third
centuries involving *"Christology*;*"* a period of intense rivalry among
various groups of Christians who advocated conflicting ways of understanding
their religion.* *By the fourth century, one of these groups, Roman
Catholicism, had routed the opposition, co-opting for itself the designation
"orthodoxy" and effectively branding all rival beliefs as "heresies" and all
other Christian sects as "heretics."

Those* *proponents of fourth-century orthodoxy, such as Father Eusebius
insisted on the antiquity of their views and embraced certain authors of the
preceding generations as their own theological forebears. Studies focused on
these earlier Christians -the representatives of a "earliest orthodoxy" of
the earliest follower and disciples of "the Christ" and Jesus illustrate the
scribal alterations of the New Testament text originated during the time of
their disputes, that is, in the ante-Nicene age *(before the council of
Nicea in 325 C.E.).*

The* *proto-Catholic orthodox Christians used religious literature which
they themselves often changed, created, invented, and altered in their early
struggles for dominance, as they produced argumentative treatises, forged
supporting documents under the names of earlier authorities, collected
apostolic works into an authoritative canon, and insisted on certain
hermeneutical principles for the interpretation of these works.

Zealous Christian scribes who were intimately familiar with the debates over
"Christology" and other doctrines made their scribal labors a necessity if
this new flavor of Christianity―Roman Christianity―was to survive.

A new religion was being created to replace the faith of the earliest
Christians and followers of Jesus.* *A New Bible was being written by these
zealous scribes to replace the one used earlier by these earliest

This new interpretation of Christianity and its "Christ" needed an authority
to under gird this movement in Rome and this authority was found in
their* forgery
of the First New Testament *and the subsequent presentation of the later
Second New Testament abounding with textual forgeries, additions, deletions,
inventions, etc. It was within this milieu of controversy and fight for
doctrinal supremacy that scribes sometimes changed their scriptural texts to
make them "say"* *what the dominant Roman theology happened to be at that

The New Testament thus became a group of very fluid texts; changing with the
evolution of Roman Catholicism and its religious doctrines as hammered out
at the successive Church Councils.

These books were done most likely in the middle second century. That is why
so much paganism and sunworship is in them...gentiles, not Jews recreated
the Jewish messiah in the form of the sun gods...so that when read today you
are shown portions that just don't fit Judaism. These Christian editors made
Jews out to be stupid and ignorant of their faith. Is that really logical?
Christians have to consider the source, and the Church's ignorance of
Judaism from the oral traditions that circulated along with so many other
gospels after 100 C.E. The Christian scribes strayed from Biblical Judaism
and adopted the astral-theological religious ideas which had more in common
with Egypt, Persian, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Pythagorianism, etc., until
they ended up with a "corrupted Judaism" which is more commonly known today
as Christianity.

Those ideas were purposefully included in a falsified translation of the
Jewish Hebrew Bible called the Septuagint (LLX) which became the Old
Testament for the Christian Church; thus providing the substrate for all the
quotes of the New Testament; the bottom line being that personified
Sun-worship was applied to the life of Jesus as recorded in the New

Repeating, Pastor Craig Lyons said; *"Make no mistake about it; these
scribes "corrupted" their texts for theological reasons. The sad fact is
that Christians today and those who attempt to be followers of Jesus and
"the Christ' have inherited a New Testament that is not only a forgery and a
tragic misrepresentation of the religious beliefs held by the earliest
Christians concerning 'the Christ' but have been led into idolatry because
of it."*

The Christian bible, their New Testament, is like a rock that hits the
water. It causes ripples that blur the true picture of Judaism.


1. Pastor Craig Lyons, M.Div: 902 Cardigan, Garland, Texas 75040



Brief CV of Jusfiq Hadjar

Jusfiq Hadjar, a christian, 66 years old, is an Indonesian living in the
Netherlands. He currently lives together out of wed-lock with Marlene Van
Doorn - a documentalist in African Studies Center (ASC) library - in Leiden.

Jusfiq Hadjar has, thus far, succesfully deceived many NGOs into believing
that he is a human rights activistist. One of the NGOs that has been trapped
in his lies is a Muslim human rights group, the Movement against Racism and
for Friendship among Peoples.

Jusfiq Hadjar is very active in his campaigns against Islam and Muslims on
the Internet, especially in several Indonesian mailing lists. He will spread
massive amounts of offensive, slanderous, lying statements against Islam and
Muslims day in and day out and at the same time claiming that he is a

Undoubtedly, Jusfiq Hadjar is one of those people who still thinks that
adhering to a daily routine of cursing and swearing on the Internet would
help to make him look intelligent and preserve his sanity. It shoots no
wonder then if you find mosts of his writings on the Internet are just about
cursing and swearing at Muslims and licking the ass of his christian

Jusfiq Hadjar has joined several mailing lists in order to spread his severe
hatred against Islam and Muslim on the Internet:








Marlene Van Doorn is very supportive of his life partner's evil activities
on the Internet, and gives her financial support by providing him with
meals, accomodation and Internet connection. He is also allegedly financed
by Leiden church.

He has no children.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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