Saturday 12.11.2005, CET 12:43

"Islam is now a European religion"

swissinfo   November 12, 2005 10:00 AM

  Swiss intellectual Tariq Ramadan tells swissinfo that Muslims in Europe 
should not be defined by religion, but seen as members of the society in 
which they live.

Ramadan, who recently took up an advisory role for the British government on 
Islamic extremism, says that Islam is now a European religion, and should be 
recognised as such.

The Geneva-born philosopher is visiting fellow at St Antony's College at 
Britain's Oxford University.

A controversial figure, Ramadan had his visa to the United States revoked 
last year, preventing him from taking up a professorship at Notre Dame 
University in Indiana.

Ramadan said the ban was unjustified and rejected the "untrue and 
humiliating" claims that he was barred because of ties to terrorism.

The 43-year-old is the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, who founded the 
prominent Islamic movement the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928.

Accused of supporting attacks in Israel and Iraq, Ramadan has publicly 
condemned the September 11 and London attacks and says he is against the 
taking of innocent life.

While he has a popular following among European Muslims - especially in 
France - Ramadan has been banned from Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, 
Egypt and Tunisia.

swissinfo: So who is Tariq Ramadan?

Tariq Ramadan: My profession is teaching. I work at two different levels. 
Within academia, I work and write on religious, legal, political and social 
issues. I also want to remain connected with the grassroots, with people, 
trying to find concrete solutions. I am an activist scholar. I have never 
claimed to be a Muslim intellectual, but I have been defined in such a way 
by people not willing or not able to acknowledge the academic and 
universalist dimensions of the Islamic tradition.

swissinfo: Does your new position at Oxford compensate the fact that you 
were barred from a teaching position in the US?

T.R.: No, and there is no need for compensation. I was ready to move to the 
US permanently. Academic circles there gave me huge support when the 
American authorities revoked a visa I got after two months of clearance 
procedure. Even in the Bush administration people like [former Secretary of 
State] Colin Powell understood that they made a mistake and asked me to 
re-apply. Other people in this administration do not want my strong critical 
voice to be heard in the US.

When I see how this administration behaves, to be banned by it is more a 
recognition than a humiliation. But I don't hold a grudge. The position I 
have now in Britain is interesting and there seem to be some good 
opportunities for the future.

British society is more knowledgeable about the Muslim world than Americans 
are. The British have a different approach to the US. But we shouldn't 
confuse the United States with the few neo-conservatives who are close to 
President Bush and ruling the country.

swissinfo: Some sections of the media don't seem to like you. Why?

T.R.: There are a lot of people who support my work, just like there are 
many who criticise it. I knew from the beginning that not everybody would 
appreciate my work. I try to build bridges between two worlds that don't 
know each other very well. There are people who consider that I am too much 
of a Westerner and others who think I am too Muslim. I disturb people 
because what I say goes against their old certainties, some of their 
prejudices and even their doubts. I accept the criticism I face in the 
Muslim world, just like I take criticism from Westerners.

The vast majority of my critics come from France. I think I disturb people 
[there] because I talk about religion, which has always been, beyond Islam, 
a hot-button issue. There is also a problem for some with the fact that 
Muslims are now French citizens who want the same rights as everyone else. 
I'm not appreciated because I tell the French they need a reality check and 
I personify their fears. I accept that as well, it is a transitory but 
necessary tension.

swissinfo: You seem to be saying there are second-class citizens in France. 
Given the events taking place there now, has integration of other 
communities, such as Muslims, failed?

T.R.: I think it's wrong to say a system has failed. Each society can find 
solutions to problems such as those faced by France if there are politicians 
brave and creative enough to take them on. But it's true that in France the 
debate on Muslims has focused on religion, secularism and the veil – which 
is in my view wrong - rather than the fact that most Muslims are perfectly 
culturally and religiously integrated.

We have to realise that Islam is now a European religion, that French 
Muslims are first French citizens and democrats. The problems are social and 
we are dealing with a socio-economic crisis. The situation in France is such 
that there are second-class citizens who are not recognised by society and 
have no access to jobs or decent accommodation.

swissinfo: You are a Swiss citizen. Do you think the same kind of problems 
could appear in Switzerland?

T.R.: I don't think so. There aren't the same social problems. There aren't 
the ghettos you see in France. But we need pre-emptive policies.

The real problem is that some people are raising non-existent issues and are 
fuelling the policies of the far right or the Swiss People's Party. They 
might not get more votes out of it, but it influences other politicians and 
the public. Part of the right uses fear of Muslims to mobilise voters. The 
risk is that this may lead to a breakdown in communication between 
communities and citizens.

swissinfo: So what is the place of a Muslim in Europe today?

T.R.: Our identities have multiple dimensions. I am used to saying about 
myself: I am a Swiss by nationality, my culture is European, my heritage is 
Egyptian, I am a Muslim by religion and my principles are universalist. To 
be able to say this means that you are self-confident. It's when you don't 
feel comfortable with yourself, with society, that you reduce your identity 
to one single and closed dimension.

To be confident, you have to respect yourself, feel respected, understand 
the diversity of society, and be recognised by that society. A contemporary 
European Muslim today must be a citizen of his country, be a witness to his 
beliefs and be coherent in his actions. And I feel this should be the same 
for a Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist or an atheist.

swissinfo-interview: Scott Capper

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