Jesus Inc.
What does it take to serve God and Mammon?
Richard McGill Murphy, FSB senior editor
February 1, 2006: 9:34 AM EST

NEW YORK (FORTUNE Small Business Magazine) - Entrepreneurs, it's been said, 
are born hungry and alone. And most are quick to seek not just bread but 
also fellowship. Nowhere is that impulse more evident than in the growing 
ranks of Christian business owners, who are banding together for mutual 
support while they seek to express their faith through their companies. They 
have created at least 30 networking organizations in the U.S., about half of 
them launched in the past five years.

While most Christian entrepreneurs hire and do business with Americans of 
all faiths, a more controversial trend is the rise of local Christian 
business directories, listing companies that wish to attract customers among 
fellow believers. Shepherd's Guide, the largest Christian-directory 
publisher, prints five million guides a year in more than 100 markets 
nationwide, up from 3.2 million in 2000. Meanwhile, the market for religious 
products (everything from hit movies and popular music to live-action 
figures of Christ and the apostles) is expected to top $8.6 billion in 
annual sales by 2008, according to Packaged Facts, a market research 

In corporate America today, with its emphasis on offending no one, the norm 
is to keep expressions of faith quiet and generic. Christian entrepreneurs 
are more likely to see their offices and factories as extensions of their 
beliefs. They strive to accommodate evangelism to an evolving body of 
workplace law based on the separation of church and state. And on a more 
personal level, many struggle to reconcile the often hard-edged requirements 
of commerce with the teachings of Christ.

Parts of the gospels are famously hostile to the pursuit of material wealth. 
It was Jesus who said that a camel can pass through the eye of a needle more 
easily than a rich man can enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). Elsewhere 
Jesus asserted that no man can serve both God and Mammon (Matthew 6:14). The 
rich man who keeps all the commandments must still give all his property to 
the poor, Jesus said, if he wants to go to heaven (Mark 10:17-23). And Jesus 
did not just drive the moneychangers from the temple; he also expelled "all 
of those who bought and sold" there (Matthew 21:2).

On the other hand, parts of God's covenant with Noah would fit nicely in a 
commencement speech at Harvard Business School: "And you, be ye fruitful, 
and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein" 
(Genesis 9:7). And in the ambiguous parable of the talents, Jesus seems to 
use business success as a metaphor for moral virtue. A master goes away on a 
journey and entrusts each of his slaves with a sum of gold talents, or 
coins. When the master returns, he asks each servant what happened to the 
money. Those who increased their capital by investing it are praised, but 
the servant who buried his money gets branded "worthless" for wasting a 
valuable opportunity (Matthew 25:14-30).

"For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an 
abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be 
taken away," says Jesus, sounding to modern ears like Gordon Gekko before 
his first cup of coffee.

When the gospels were written, most Christians were poor, persecuted 
outsiders. But after the Roman emperor Constantine's conversion, 
Christianity became the official religion of the empire and an avenue for 
worldly advancement. Since then, Christian doctrine has grown more amenable 
to business. In the 17th century, Calvinist merchants piled up wealth in the 
belief that it was a sign of God's blessing. The Pilgrims sailed to North 
America seeking both religious freedom and commercial opportunity. And 
modern evangelical business owners often measure success in souls saved as 
well as widgets sold.

Entrepreneurship seems to appeal to many devout Christians for the same 
reason that it attracts environmentalists, devoted parents, feminists, and 
libertarians: They want a workplace that reflects their deepest values. Some 
doubtless use the gospels to rationalize business as usual.

But at a deeper level, sincere Christians have much in common with committed 
entrepreneurs. Both callings demand faith in things unseen and persistence 
in the face of dangers and doubts. They ask themselves: Is it right to lay 
off workers to boost profits, or only to save the company? How do you foster 
a Christian office culture without violating the rights of non-Christian 
employees? What if you can't get a city contract without bending the law? 
How fast must you run to beat a camel into paradise?

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