

*Edited By Hugh Fogelman & John Stone*

* ***

There is no historical reference to Jesus' life, death or the
crucifixion―nothing at all. John E. Remsburg, in his classic book *The
Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His
Existence* *1* lists
the following contemporary historians/writers who lived during the time, or
within a century after the time, that Jesus was supposed to have lived:

Apollonius Persius                                   Appian Petronius
Arrian Phaedrus                                      Aulus Gellius Philo-
Columella Phlegon                                  Damis Pliny the Elder
Dio Chrysostom Pliny the Younger     Dion Pruseus Plutarch
Epictetus Pompon Mela                         Favorinus Ptolemy
Florus Lucius Quintilian                       Hermogones Quintius Curtius
Josephus Seneca                                      Justus of Tiberius
Silius Italicus
Juvenal Statius                                        Lucanus Suetonius
Lucian Tacitus                                         Lysias Theon of
Martial Valerius Flaccus                       Paterculus Valerius Maximus

According to Remsburg*, "Enough of the writings of the authors named in the
foregoing list remains to form a library.** Yet in this mass of Jewish and
Pagan literature, aside from two forged passages in the works of a Jewish
author, and two disputed passages in the works of Roman writers, there is to
be found no mention of Jesus Christ."* Nor, we may add, do any of these
authors make note of the Disciples or Apostles; increasing the embarrassment
from the silence of history concerning the foundation of Christianity. In
other words, the only information of the life of Jesus comes from Christian

Logic would dictate that if all the miracles which Jesus performed or
surrounded him:

1. Being born of a virgin mother;

2. Three Magi following the brightest star forever to see the demigod;

3. The slaying of the innocent babies;

4. Raising the dead, healing the blind and lame;

4. Having the sky turn to blackness when Jesus died;

5. Earthquakes in the region;

6. The dead Jewish saints coming out of their graves going to Jerusalem; and

7. The Resurrection.

that *at least* one of these world headline news events would have *at least
* a small mention by *at least* one of the foregoing historian and writers.
But, NO, they are totally silent!

Only Christian writers wrote about this. Do you think they were biased? Were
the stories true or did these writers just continue the myth? Were they
trying to promote a new religion, based upon Paul using the Jesus' myth?

And so the fiction continues to this day. Christian apologist Josh McDowell,
in his book, *Evidence That Demands a Verdict* is a book full of falsehoods,
which attempts to masquerade as "documented historical fact" and rumors are
passed off as "Bible Truth." McDowell had to revise his thesis several times
before publishing it.  It seems some of his "Evidence" was not of good
report. His arguments were weak, at best. So many Christians, especially
pastors and ministers will make the claim that Jesus was either a "liar,
lunatic or lord. Unfortunately that list ignores the most likely possibility
―"Fictional Character."

Pastors today, quote that statement whenever they talk to a person who
disbelieves in Jesus. Once I remember that my wife's pastor made the same
assertion, "Was Jesus a fraud, a liar, a lunatic?" Isn't it strange that
they all forget that even Jesus' direct family thought Jesus was mad? And
Mary, his mother never thought of him as "devine."

ABC News, and Peter Jennngs could not go far enough in their presentation a
few years ago of the Historical Jesus. Jennings presentation did not
convince his audience without any benefit of doubt that Jesus existed, other
than in mythical form.  Dr. James Kennedy, of Orlando, Fla. (The famous
Presbyterian minister who several Doctorate degrees in Theology and former
aid to Billy Grahams) also, could not come up with any real evidence on his
TV show to refute Peter Jennings...or others from Oxford University on the
lack of historical evidence.

Evangelical Christians will not accept real proof, for they feel the
professors at Oxford and anywhere else who claim Jesus did not exist are
liberals or an atheist of sorts.

The reasoning of the Jew is that given the complete lack of historical evidence
for Jesus he most probably did not exist. Christians have said, 'OK...let's
see how consistent you are in the application of that reasoning." They will
then ask the Jew to provide for him historical evidence for the existence of
selected characters in the Hebrew Scriptures.

In the above scenario, the Christian hasn't denied anything hence hasn't
compromised their position, but only tries to show that the argument of the
Jew compromises his position or commits him to a logical fallacy.  Consider
these 2 claims – either:

 1. The Jew is able to provide historical evidence for the existence of
those selected characters in his Bible. OR,
 2. The Jew is unable to provide historical evidence for the existence of
those selected characters in his Bible.

If  (1) then the Jew's position remains strong.
If (2) then the Jew must concede that by the self same reasoning he applied to
Jesus those selected characters also most probably did not exist.

Ah, but Christians forget that they have already agreed with the Hebrew
Bible that the episodes, which are told in Hebrew Bible, actually happened.
That is why an interpreted version of the Hebrew Bible is located at the
front of their bible for reference and authority. So the Hebrew Bible is
immune to certain counter arguments that their Bible is still subject to. In
other words, Jews do not have to defend their Bible because Christianity has
already said it is Holy. It cannot be partly Holy – if so, which parts are
holy and which parts are fiction? And who decides? No, it is all Holy, from

Those 21 great writers of the Greco-Roman world, whose combined work would
fill a library did not write or allude to any thesis that god became man,
walked the earth, died and was resurrected, and etc. There is not a single
third party historical witness for confirmation, and not one single mention
of a god walking the earth in any of the volumes of the combined work from
the great writers of the period.

Again, I restate the obvious, yet in this mass of literature, *"aside from
two forged passages in the works of a Jewish author, and two disputed
passages in the works of Roman writers, there is to be found no mention of
Jesus Christ."* Nor, do any of these authors make note of the Disciples or
Apostles; increasing the embarrassment from the silence of history
concerning the foundation of Christianity. In other words, the only
information on the life of Jesus comes from Christian believers.

This alone should make anyone think twice before swallowing―hook, line and
sinker―the Christian dead-man god myth.


1. *The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His
Existence, *John E. Remsburg, The Truth Seeker Company, NY, pp. 24-25),


Brief CV of Jusfiq Hadjar

Jusfiq Hadjar, a christian, 66 years old, is an Indonesian living in the
Netherlands. He currently lives together out of wed-lock with Marlene Van
Doorn - a documentalist in African Studies Center (ASC) library - in Leiden.

Jusfiq Hadjar has, thus far, succesfully deceived many NGOs into believing
that he is a human rights activistist. One of the NGOs that has been trapped
in his lies is a Muslim human rights group, the Movement against Racism and
for Friendship among Peoples.

Jusfiq Hadjar is very active in his campaigns against Islam and Muslims on
the Internet, especially in several Indonesian mailing lists. He will spread
massive amounts of offensive, slanderous, lying statements against Islam and
Muslims day in and day out and at the same time claiming that he is a

Undoubtedly, Jusfiq Hadjar is one of those people who still thinks that
adhering to a daily routine of cursing and swearing on the Internet would
help to make him look intelligent and preserve his sanity. It shoots no
wonder then if you find mosts of his writings on the Internet are just about
cursing and swearing at Muslims and licking the ass of his christian

Jusfiq Hadjar has joined several mailing lists in order to spread his severe
hatred against Islam and Muslim on the Internet:








Marlene Van Doorn is very supportive of his life partner's evil activities
on the Internet, and gives her financial support by providing him with
meals, accomodation and Internet connection. He is also allegedly financed
by Leiden church.

He has no children.

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