Berhubung krn dikepung oleh tentara "Israel", maka orang2 Palestina ini
kepaksa makan anjing dan kucing.

Eh, gua salah, maaf. Bukan Israel tuh yg ngepung kamp Palestina, tp orang
Islam. Tp gpp koq ngefitnah Israel, krn ngefitnah non muslim itu emang
merupakan ibadah, apalagi kalo ngefitnah orang Yahudi, itu dpt pahala jihad.

Coba kalo ada babi, babi jg pasti dimakan demi auloh.

Palestinians in Syria 'Eating Cats and Dogs'
Under siege and starving, Palestinians at al-Yarmouk camp given imam's
permission to eat cats and dogs.
 By Dalit Halevy

First Publish: 10/13/2013, 10:33 PM

In his Friday sermon, an imam at the Palestinian Al-Yarmouk camp south of
Damascus gave local residents permission to eat dead cats and dogs. The
camp has been under siege for three months, the humanitarian situation
there has severely deteriorated and the supply of food has not been steady,
reports *Shalom Toronto*.

Palestinians in Syria are, generally speaking, loyal to Bashar al-Assad's
regime, but gunmen from the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) entered the
strategically located Yarmouk camp in large numbers, prompting the Syrian
army to attack the camp.

The Syrian army, reinforced by Shiite forces from Iraq – the Abu Fadel
Abbas militia – and Hizbullah forces from Lebanon, recently launched a
massive attack on the rural areas south and east of Damascus in an attempt
to clenase them of rebel forces.

South of Damascus, the Syrian effort is directed mainly at Ma'adamia
al-Sham, which is located next to an air force base, and toward communities
located along the highway that leads to the city of Al-Saida Zainab, which
is sacred to the Shiites and where Shiite forces from Iraq and Lebanon are

Syrian television reported advances on both fronts. At Ma'adamia al-Sham,
the civilians were evacuated with the aid of the Red Crescent. On the
eastern front, several villages were reportedly captured.

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