Sekedar mengingatkan: Orang tua rezameutia yang dungu kayak anjing

Dan saya tambahkan: ternyata keadaan rezameutia itu lebih gawat dari yang saya
sangka semula: dia juga menderita premature ejaculation.

Jadi nggak heran hidupnya begitu sengsara.


Orang tua rezameutia yang dungu kayak anjing, seperti juga orang tua
mailing list ini yang beragama Islam kayak Dipo, johny-indon,
ndeboost, PAREWA
PAREWA, Roman Proteus, Tawang dll. tidak sanggup memberikan pendidikan
memadai kepada anaknya yang tentu saja jadi dungu kayak anjing seperti
tuanya dan berpengetahuan dangkal kayak comberan dimusim kemarau di

Bayangin, begitu cetek pengetahuan rezameutia itu hingga Afrika
dikatakannya negeri bule, bahasa Inggerisnya juga acak-acakan hingga
dia tidak
tahu apa arti kata legendary.

Kesanggupannnya juga terutama terbatas ngomong tentang sepak bola dan
musik dan,
menurut Suryana tukang jilat pantat orang Islam, ngedongeng..

Disamping itu orang tua rezameutia yang memang dungu kayak anjing itu
membiarkan anaknya yang memang suka mikir pake kontol itu menjadikan
buku taik
anjing al-Mushaf susunan orang Arab primitif sebagai kitab suci.

rezameutia juga tidak dilatih oleh orang tuanya yang memang
dungu-dungu kayak
anjing itu memakai otaknya buat berfikir, dia tidak dilatih untuk

Dia tidak dilatih untuk mempertanyakan apa yang dikatakan orang

Dia dilatih buat biasa bersikap seperti anjing budug lapar dihadapan
taik angat:
diajar untuk melahap apa yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya dan kayak
bebek, dia
suka ikut apa yang dilakukan orang lain, tanpa mikir, seperti naik
haji sembari
muter-muter kayak orang gila disekeliling Kaabah dan nyambit setan
yang nggak
ada di padang pasir sono.


Di abad ke XXI ini, berkat kemajuan teknologi, rezameutia juga punya
akses ke
internet dan sempat
kenyataan lain yang pahit lagi menyilaukan yang ditunjukkan orang lain
internet: ajaran agama Islam yang dianutnya dan yang dikiranya
kebenaran dan berdasarkan wahyu dari Allah itu ternyata cuman
kosong dan kibulan hasil khayalan orang Arab primitif.

Karena dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya untuk berfikir dan
mempertanyakan apa yang dia yakini selama ini maka dia bingung
kenyataan itu: groggy.

Dia jadi gila.

Gila dan lantas kalap.

Lalu dia jadi tukang fitnah dan penyebar dusta.

Karena saya bercerita bahwa saya pernah mengisap ganja satu kali, maka
difitnhnya junkie.

Dan karena saya menurutkan nasehat berbagai lembaga kesehatan di Eropa
menganjurkan orang untuk mengikuti diet mediteranian yang antara lain
dari dua atautiga gelas anggur tiap hari maka saya difitnahnya

Berbeda dengan orang Islam lain yang juga sudah pada jadi gila,
memang bersedia menjalani terapi.

Tapi hasilnya tetap saja sama: rezameutia tetap saja cuma bisa memakai
buat berfikir dan buah fikirannnya, tidak mengherankan, tetap saja
najis seperti fitnah dan dusta.

Kasihan saya melihatnya

--- In, "rezameutia" <rezameutia@...> wrote:
> saya kira segala sesuatu yang keluar-masuk dari mulut anda, pasti akan sangat 
> menarik untuk "abu item.   don't worry about it, old bitch.
> hehehe....
> --- In, "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > What atheists can learn from religion
> > 
> >
> > 
> > CNN
> > 
> > Editor's note: Alain de Botton is the author of a new book "Religion for 
> > Atheists" and of "How Proust Can Change Your Life." He is the founder of 
> > and of an architectural organisation called 
> > He spoke at the TED Global conference in 
> > Edinburgh, Scotland, last year. TED is a nonprofit dedicated to "Ideas 
> > worth spreading" which it makes available through talks posted on its 
> > website.
> > 
> > London (CNN) -- Probably the most boring question you can ask about 
> > religion is whether or not the whole thing is "true." Unfortunately, recent 
> > public discussions on religion have focused obsessively on precisely this 
> > issue, with a hardcore group of fanatical believers pitting themselves 
> > against an equally small band of fanatical atheists.
> > 
> > I prefer a different tack. To my mind, of course, no part of religion is 
> > true in the sense of being God-given. It seems clear that there is no holy 
> > ghost, spirit, geist or divine emanation. The real issue is not whether God 
> > exists or not, but where one takes the argument to if one concludes he 
> > doesn't. I believe it must be possible to remain a committed atheist and 
> > nevertheless to find religions sporadically useful, interesting and 
> > consoling -- and be curious as to the possibilities of importing certain of 
> > their ideas and practices into the secular realm.
> > 
> > One can be left cold by the doctrines of the Christian Trinity and the 
> > Buddhist Fivefold Path and yet at the same time be interested in the ways 
> > in which religions deliver sermons, promote morality, engender a spirit of 
> > community, make use of art and architecture, inspire travels, train minds 
> > and encourage gratitude at the beauty of spring. In a world beset by 
> > fundamentalists of believing and secular varieties, it must be possible to 
> > balance a rejection of religious faith with a selective reverence for 
> > religious rituals and concepts.
> > 
> > Karen Armstrong's wish for a charter of compassion
> > 
> > It is when we stop believing that religions have been handed down from 
> > above or else that they are entirely daft that matters become more 
> > interesting.
> > 
> > We can then recognize that we invented religions to serve two central needs 
> > which continue to this day and which secular society has not been able to 
> > solve with any particular skill: firstly, the need to live together in 
> > communities in harmony, despite our deeply rooted selfish and violent 
> > impulses. And secondly, the need to cope with terrifying degrees of pain 
> > which arise from our vulnerability to professional failure, to troubled 
> > relationships, to the death of loved ones and to our decay and demise.
> > 
> > God may be dead, but the urgent issues which impelled us to make him up 
> > still stir and demand resolutions which do not go away when we have been 
> > nudged to perceive some scientific inaccuracies in the tale of the seven 
> > loaves and fishes.
> > We have grown frightened of the word morality. We bridle at the thought of 
> > hearing a sermon.
> > Alain de Botton
> > 
> > The error of modern atheism has been to overlook how many sides of the 
> > faiths remain relevant even after their central tenets have been dismissed. 
> > Once we cease to feel that we must either prostrate ourselves before them 
> > or denigrate them, we are free to discover religions as a repository of 
> > occasionally ingenious concepts with which we can try to assuage a few of 
> > the most persistent and unattended ills of secular life.
> > 
> > Secular society has been unfairly impoverished by the loss of an array of 
> > practices and themes which atheists typically find it impossible to live 
> > with. We have grown frightened of the word morality. We bridle at the 
> > thought of hearing a sermon. We flee from the idea that art should be 
> > uplifting or have an ethical mission. We don't go on pilgrimages. We can't 
> > build temples. We have no mechanisms for expressing gratitude.
> > 
> > The notion of reading a self-help book has become absurd to the 
> > high-minded. We resist mental exercises. Strangers rarely sing together. We 
> > are presented with an unpleasant choice between either committing to 
> > peculiar concepts about immaterial deities or letting go entirely of a host 
> > of consoling, subtle or just charming rituals for which we struggle to find 
> > equivalents in secular society.
> > 
> > Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives
> > 
> > Religions merit our attention for their sheer conceptual ambition; for 
> > changing the world in a way that few secular institutions ever have. They 
> > have managed to combine theories about ethics and metaphysics with 
> > practical involvement in education, fashion, politics, travel, hostelry, 
> > initiation ceremonies, publishing, art and architecture -- a range of 
> > interests which puts to shame the scope of the achievements of even the 
> > greatest and most influential secular movements and individuals in history.
> > 
> > For those interested in the spread and impact of ideas, it is hard not to 
> > be mesmerized by examples of the most successful educational and 
> > intellectual movements the planet has ever witnessed.
> > 
> > There are sides of religions that are timely and consoling even for 
> > skeptical contemporary minds. Atheists can learn to rescue some of what is 
> > beautiful, touching and wise from all that no longer seems true. The wisdom 
> > of the faiths belongs to all of mankind, even the most rational among us, 
> > and deserves to be selectively reabsorbed by the supernatural's greatest 
> > enemies. Religions are intermittently too useful, effective and intelligent 
> > to be abandoned to the religious alone.
> >


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