Orang Islam di mana2 bikin rusuh dan musuhan dgn semua orang. Tiap orang yg
punya otak hrsnya mikir bhw Islam itulah yg bermasalah, krn mereka selalu
bermasalah dgn tiap orang, di mana2, begitu orang Islam udah cukup banyak

Kalo model si arra yg cuma segelintir di antara non Islam, mereka ga berani
unt melakukan apa2, sampe kalo perlu babi jg akan dimakan.

 Sectarian riots spread in north India, 31 dead

   - The Associated Press

   - Published Monday, Sep. 9, 2013, at 12:38 a.m.
   - Updated Monday, Sep. 9, 2013, at 9:25 a.m.

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MUZAFFARNAGAR, India — Security forces have been ordered to shoot rioters
on sight, as sectarian violence spread in northern India on Monday despite
an army-enforced curfew imposed after deadly weekend clashes broke out
between Hindus and Muslims.

Gunfire and street battles that erupted Saturday in villages around
Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh state have killed at least 31 people and
left many more wounded or missing, police said. Both sides have blamed the
other for starting the violence.

Police had arrested 200 people by Monday evening. Soldiers deployed to the
region have been given orders to shoot rioters on sight, state government
official Kamal Saxena said.

Still, the violence spread to the neighboring districts of Shamli and
Meerut. A state of alert has been declared for Uttar Pradesh, the scene of
some of India's worst communal violence when a Hindu mob razed a 16th
century mosque in Ayodhya in 1992.

Hundreds of people, some packed into bullock carts, tried to flee areas
where their community represents a minority. One family trying to leave
Kuttba village on Sunday was beaten with metal rods and wooden sticks when
caught between fighting factions.

"The whole village was very tense. I wanted to send my family to a safer
place," said Munavar, 24, who uses only one name, as his wife, 8-month-old
daughter and 6-year-old niece lay on hospital beds nearby wearing bloody
clothes and gauze bandages over their heads.

The violence began Saturday night after a meeting of thousands of Hindu
farmers called for justice in the Aug. 27 killing of three young men from
Kawal village. Officials said some farmers delivered hate-filled speeches
against Muslims.

Clashes with Muslims broke out after the meeting, with many using guns,
swords, stones or knives, senior police officer Arun Kumar said.

One 26-year-old farmer, Anuvesh Baliyan, said he and others were attacked
in Purvalian village as they were returning home on a tractor from the
meeting. He said a mob wielding metal rods and swords surrounded the
tractor and began beating them.

"We hid in a field for a full night until troops arrived the next day," he
said at Muzaffarnagar's hospital, where he was being treated for sword
wounds to his head and leg.

In the village of Mirapur Padav, 50-year-old Salma Liaquat said she was
sitting in her open-sided hut Monday morning when four men came out of the
forest, shot her in the leg with a pistol and ran away. She and her
neighbors, nervous about the rising tension, had asked police to patrol the

"We kept calling the police because we were scared," neighbor Shahid Ansari
said. "But they didn't come until after the attack."

Hindu and Muslim patients were being kept in separate rooms at the hospital
in Muzaffarnagar, about 125 kilometers (78 miles) north of New Delhi.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed grief and shock over the deaths,
while the central government warned that communal violence was expected to
escalate further in the run-up to next year's national elections. Already
this year, 451 incidents have been reported, compared with 410 for all of
2012, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said.

As local politicians on all sides accused one another of inciting the
latest violence in Uttar Pradesh, the state barred people including
politicians from visiting riot-affected areas.

The state's opposition blamed the government for failing to maintain law
and order, while the state's top elected official accused opposition
parties of inciting the violence to undermine his administration.

"The violence is a political conspiracy to defame and destabilize my
government," Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said.

Shops and schools were closed Monday in and around Muzaffarnagar. Soldiers
were searching homes for weapons. Some 5,000 paramilitary officers joined
the troops and thousands of local police on patrol.

Authorities stopped all newspaper deliveries and TV broadcasts in the area,
but incendiary rumors spread by mobile phones and social media were still
fueling the violence and making it difficult for soldiers to restore calm,
state police inspector Ashish Gupta said.

The neighboring mountain state of Uttarakhand was also on alert.

Associated Press writer Biswajeet Banerjee reported from Lucknow, India.

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