Perhaps you have decided to read this letter because

you or members of your family are suffering from

sickness or disease. It could be that you have a great

desire to see the healing ministry of Jesus in

operation today. Whatever your reason, it is only

through the help of the Holy Spirit that the biblical

truth about healing will become a reality in your


Divine healing is God`s supernatural impartation of

health to someone who is sick physically, emotionally,

or mentally. Faith is certainly important. Yet the

correct term is not “faith healing,” but divine

healing. The source of healing is never our own faith

but the One who gives us faith – God Himself.


The Holy Spirit wants to help us know God`s healing

love so that we can not only personally experience it

in our own lives, but also share it with others.

Divine healing comprises total healing for the total

man. Although this letter deals primarily with healing

for your physical body, you will see that there is

often a connection between your physical, mental and

emotional health.

As we study the topic of divine healing, keep in mind

that the teaching in this book should not detract from

the greatest miracle a person can ever experience –

salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus

Christ. The eternal miracle of salvation transcends

our earthly life.

The healing ministry of Jesus was never meant to be a

phenomenon from the past. The Book of Acts begins, “I

wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach”

(Acts 1:1, NIV). The word “began” indicates that the

Gospel accounts were merely a starting point. Indeed,

the ministry of Jesus continues today.

Now ask the Holy Spirit to make these divine healing

truths real to you, and He will do so. God`s Heart of Love  

Her head was lowered, her face partly covered by a

piece of cloth. One glance betrayed the woman`s awful

condition. She was blind. Although I have met many

like her, the sight of this particular woman remains

indelibly imprinted in my memory. 

In her native country of India, it is a disgrace for a

woman to cut her hair; yet here I stood, looking at a

blind woman whose head was completely shaven. I

thought, “There must be something peculiar about

this.” Turning to a man beside me, I asked, “Why did

she shave her head?”

“She has done it as an act of sacrifice to an idol.

She has probably carried her hair as an offering to

one of the many Hindu temples. Only a very desperate

woman would have shamed herself in such a way,” he


It was difficult for me even to begin to comprehend

the thoughts of rejection and fear that must have

filled this woman`s mind. Here she was, as blind and

desolate as before. How tragic! Her devastation was

obvious and complete.

I was in India to teach the good news of Jesus Christ.

Tens of thousands were sitting in front of me on the

cricket field, representing every creed, cast and

religion that you could imagine.


No doubt someone in this woman`s family had heard of

our crusade and about the healings, wonders and

miracles that were occurring and had encouraged her to

come in a final attempt to receive healing.

A young girl, later identified as her granddaughter,

was holding the woman`s hand and probably wondering if

this was yet another one of Grandma`s hopeless

attempts to regain her sight.

When I spoke to the audience that evening, I

endeavored to introduce them to Jesus Christ – the

HEALER. I presented the One who is the POWER behind

every PROMISE in the Word of God. Suddenly, and to the

utter astonishment of those around her, the woman

began to blink her eyes rapidly. She turned her shaved

head from side to side as a smile of indescribable joy

flooded her face. She could see! The granddaughter

quickly realized what had happened.

“Grandma can see! Grandma can see! Grandma can see!”

she cried. A path quickly opened for them, and

together they rushed toward the platform. The woman


Her eyes were new, but more important, she had

received new dignity and self-worth. It Works Everywhere


This book will introduce you to God`s healing power

and love. The Word of God gives literally thousands of

promises regarding God`s willingness to help you.

There are promises for peace, protection, prosperity,

healing, freedom, and a new, uplifting lifestyle.These good things are already 
in God`s heart for you.

More important than the promises is the God who is

behind these promises. I have watched Him at work in

over seventy nations around the world and have found

that there is no hopeless case with Him. He always has

been, He is, and He always will be the unchanging

Healer. Nothing is too hard for Him.

The healing truths I give you in this letter have

worked and produced results among Hindus, Muslims,

Buddhists, Catholics and Protestants. They have

touched people of virtually all religions and those of

no religious background. These truths will work for


I appreciate medical science, with all the modern

technology available to it. It is a blessing to

suffering humanity, but it is limited. God certainly

uses the skills and knowledge of physicians. However,

there is an important distinction between medical

science and divine healing from God. Medical science

is God-given, but it is not supernatural. It is a

natural ability and knowledge acquired by  man that

restores health to a sick body. This is good. We

praise God for all those who are helped through the

efforts of the medical profession.


Healing from God through faith in Jesus Christ is

different. It is supernatural. It transcends human

ability. Supernatural healing cannot be explained

through human logic. It is God Himself who intervenes

and restores, be it in the physical, mental or

emotional realm. Medical science is often forced to

treat only the symptoms, rather than the actual

disease. Even a cure foe the common cold remains

elusive. This is because man, with all his abilities,

is limited.  

Yet God`s healing, love and power flow from His heart

toward us. Before sickness ever touched a human body,

God had provided a solution to the sickness problem.

As we uncover God`s master plan, including His plan

for the healing of your body, ask the Holy Spirit to

help you receive these truths.

Prepared by:

Ev.Bambang Wiyono




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