Amnesty International

October 27, 2010

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

As you prepare to travel to Indonesia, Amnesty International would like to 
bring to your attention the

human rights situation in Indonesia and urge you to press President Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono for

meaningful human rights improvements. Amnesty International is concerned that 
your decision to

provide military training to the Special Forces Command (Kopassus) has sent a 
wrong message to the

Indonesian government: that the United States is not concerned about human 
rights in Indonesia. We

urge you to use your visit as an opportunity to negate this impression.

While in Indonesia, we strongly urge you to meet with the families of victims 
of state abuse, especially

the families of civilians who were killed during the 1965 political turmoil and 
those abused by Kopassus.

We also urge you to publicly state what role human rights will play in the 
US-Indonesia Comprehensive

Partnership and emphasize that human rights will play as important a role as 
trade and security.

Please commend Indonesia for the leadership role it has played in creating the 
human rights body in

ASEAN. Encourage President Yudhoyono to continue Indonesia's active role in 
this body and offer to

assist their work.

Even though Indonesia has come a long way over the years in its respect for 
human rights, much more

remains to be done to protect the basic rights of Indonesian citizens. We would 
like to highlight our

human rights concerns below.

Address the Problem of Impunity

Human rights abusers go unpunished in Indonesia. One clear example is the 
failure of successive

Indonesian governments to bring the late military dictator Suharto to trial for 
the roughly half-a-million

to a million people who were killed in 1965. He was also never held to account 
for the death of around

100,000 East Timorese. This is one of the main reasons why impunity is a 
serious problem in Indonesia

to this date.


1) We urge you to press President Yudhoyono to ensure that perpetrators of past 
human rights

violations and abuses are held effectively to account.

2) We urge you to also press President Yudhoyono to establish a reparations 
program to provide

reparations (including restitution compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction 
and guarantees of

non-repetition) to all victims of torture and other crimes under international 

Repeal Stoning for Adultery and Caning for Homosexuality

A new Indonesian bylaw endorses stoning to death for adultery and caning of up 
to 100 lashes for

homosexuality. This local Islamic Criminal Code was passed by the Aceh 
Provincial House of

Representatives in September 2009.

Request: Urge the Indonesian authorities to repeal this law.

Release Political Prisoners

Indonesian authorities continue to use repressive legislation to criminalize 
peaceful political activities.

Violations of the right to freedom of expression are particularly severe in 
areas where there has been a

history of pro-independence movements such as Maluku and Papua.

?? Former civil servant Filep Karma is serving a prison sentence of 15 years 
for peacefully

raising the Papua flag.

?? In June 2007, 22 men were arrested in Maluku province for unfurling the 
'Benang Raja' flag,

a symbol of South Maluku identity, after performing a traditional dance in 
front of

President Yudhoyono. All have now been sentenced to jail terms of between seven 
and 20


Amnesty International considers the above-mentioned me to be Prisoners of 
Conscience and demands

their immediate and unconditional release.

Request: We urge you to demand their immediate release before you arrive in 
Indonesia as a mark of

good will. We are confident that President Yudhoyono will take your request 

Protect Human Rights Defenders

We appreciate your meeting with Human Rights Defenders at the White House and 
urge you to highlight

the protection of human rights defenders in Indonesia. We are concerned that 
the Indonesian legal

system is being used to intimidate human rights defenders rather than to ensure 
that they are able to

carry out their important work.

For example, human rights defender Usman Hamid is the subject of criminal 
defamation proceedings

due to his involvement in the campaign for justice for the late Munir Said 
Thalib, who was murdered by

poisoning in September 2004. In addition to Mr. Hamid, at least six other human 
rights defenders faced

criminal defamation charges in 2009 for their work: Emerson Yuntho, Illian Deta 
Arta Sari, Gatot,

Suryani, Dadang Iskandar, and Itce Julinar.


1) We urge you to press President Yudhoyono to ensure that human rights 
defenders are not

targeted through criminal defamation suits or by any other means.

2) We also urge you to call upon the Indonesian government to identify those at 
the highest level

responsible for Munir's murder and publish the report of the fact-finding team.

Establish Complaint Mechanism for Police Abuse

Despite the current reform process to make the Indonesian National Police more 
professional and

respectful of human rights, criminal suspects living in poor and marginalized 
communities, in particular

women, repeat offenders and political activists in areas where there is a 
history of pro-independence

movements, are disproportionately targeted for a range of human rights 

Request: Urge President Yudhoyono to initiate steps to set up (or review the 
mandate of current

mechanism to ensure that there is) an independent complaints mechanism that can 
receive and deal

with complaints from the public. The mechanism should be empowered, among other 
things, to submit

directly its findings to the Prosecutor-General.

Allow Freedom of Religion

Blasphemy law: Several laws and regulations undermine freedom of thought, 
conscience and religion.

Article 156(a) of Indonesian Criminal Code, enacted under a 1965 Presidential 
Decree, makes

'blasphemy' a crime punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment. Amnesty 
International is aware of at

least 13 people who are currently in prison under this law.

The Ahmadiyya community continues to face intimidation and attacks. In June 
2008, a joint ministerial

decree instructed the Ahmadiyya community to either declare that they are not 
Muslims or discontinue

declaring their faith. Most recently the Minister of Religious Affairs 
Suryadharma Ali has threatened to

disband the Ahmadiyya.

Christian groups also face restrictions on worship and evictions. In one case, 
at least 1,400 Christian

students were evacuated from their Setia college campus in July 2008 when it 
was attacked by villagers

allegedly linked to the Islamic Defenders Front. There have been no arrests in 
relation to the attack.

Request: Urge the Indonesian authorities to guarantee freedom of religion.

Repeal Discriminatory Laws against Women

A range of laws, policies and practices are discriminatory and reinforce gender 
stereotyping in the area

of family relations and sexuality. Unmarried women and girls are denied full 
access to reproductive

health services, while those who are married must seek their husband's consent 
to access some of these

services. Such restrictions expose women and girls to unwanted pregnancies and 
other health risks,

such as unsafe abortions.

Request: Urge the Indonesian authorities to repeal discriminatory laws against 
women to ensure they

can enjoy their sexual and reproductive rights free from discrimination, 
coercion and the threat of


Mr. President, Amnesty International urges you to take this opportunity to 
ensure that steps are taken

to improve human rights in Indonesia. While in Indonesia, we strongly urge you 
to speak publicly and

meet with human rights defenders and families of victims, especially those 
civilians who were killed

during the 1965 political turmoil and those abused by Kopassus. Thank you.


Larry Cox

Executive Director

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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