Komen dari seorang haji ini sungguh2 rendah dan memalukan..

--- Gio 24/1/13, rezameutia <rezameu...@yahoo.com> ha scritto:

Da: rezameutia <rezameu...@yahoo.com>
Oggetto: [proletar] Re: Apostles’ Greatest Miracle was Sex, or was it?
A: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Data: Giovedì 24 gennaio 2013, 07:38




si gabby biasanya dapet kontol kulup yang mungil, sekarang mbaca tulisan kontol 
disunat yang gagah perkasa dan bisa ngewe 10 kali dalam 1 malam.  horny beraaat 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ayub  wrote:


> usil amat sih lo gab..

> tiwas gw baca dimana lo lahir..siapa orang tua lo

> kehabisan opini ujung2-nya cuma numpang otaknya bleki


> ular beludak juga.. makan tuh ayat2 bible !!




> ________________________________

>  From: Gabriella Rantau 





> Aku copas sedikit dari artikel pendek tsb.


> But I ask them, can anyone match the apostle’s lovemaking prowess? Can they 
> at the age 60+ make love to 10

> young women in a single night? Yes, the apostle could do it. That is an 
> irrefutable proof of his prophet hood, which cannot be duplicated.

> Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268: ‘Prophet was given the strength 
> (sexual) of thirty men’.


> Mnrt cuplikan di atas (i) Nabi Muhammad sesuai dg hadist diberi (Allah SWT) 
> kemampuan ber-sex ria sampai 10 kali semalam. Kalau tidak salah hadistnya 
> mengatakan kekuatan seksuil beliau itu sama dg kekuatan 30 orang laki2.


> What is rather disturbing ialah bhw menrt hadist lain, beliau sering bermimpi 
> meniduri bini2nya (dikisahkan oleh Umm Mukminun, Aishah) sedang kenyataannya 
> beliau tidur nyenyak sendirian.  The two hadists can't be both right, can't 
> it?


> Gabriella


> ________________________________

> From: itemabu2 itemabu2@...>

> To: proletar proletar@yahoogroups.com> 

> Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2013 10:47 AM

> Subject: [proletar] Apostles’ Greatest Miracle was Sex


> Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt para bajingan gila sex, pedophile,

> tukang merkosa, sadistik, tukang ngembat binatang dll.


> Apostles’ Greatest Miracle was Sex

> by Ayesha Ahmed : May 19, 2005 : 0 Comments

> Apostle’s greatest miracle was not the Quran. It was his capacity for

> lovemaking. Allah had given him libido of 30 men.


> Most infidels don’t even consider the Quran to be a big deal. They say

> a village idiot can come up with such a book. They claim that any book

> is better than the Quran. But I ask them, can anyone match the

> apostle’s lovemaking prowess? Can they at the age 60+ make love to 10

> young women in a single night? Yes, the apostle could do it. That is

> an irrefutable proof of his prophet hood, which cannot be duplicated.

> Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

> ‘Prophet was given the strength (sexual) of thirty men’.


> Apostle could make love (continuously) to all his wives (9 to 11) in one 
> night.

> Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268:

> “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day

> and night and they were eleven in number. Prophet was given the

> strength of thirty (men).”

> Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 6:

> The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his

> wives in one night

> Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270:

> Aisha said, “I scented Allah’s Apostle and he went round (had sexual

> intercourse with) all his wives.”



> Such sexual capability and stamina is Allah’s miracle, which is only

> given to prophets.

> Prophet Sulaiman used to have sex with 100 women in one night.

> Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 74i:

> Allah’s Apostle said, “Once Solomon, son of David said, ‘(By Allah)

> Tonight I will have sexual intercourse with one hundred (or

> ninety-nine) women each of whom will give birth to a knight who will

> fight in Allah’s Cause.



> His lovemaking was complimented by visits of archangel Gibraeel. Once

> apostle even introduced Gibraeel to Ayesha. Ordinary mortals cannot

> see angels, needless to say she was clueless and could not see him.

> Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 112:

> Narrated Abu Salama:

> ‘Aisha said, “Once Allah’s Apostle said (to me), ‘O Aish (‘Aisha)!

> This is Gabriel greeting you.’ I said, ‘Peace and Allah’s Mercy and

> Blessings be on him, you see what I don’t see’ ” She was addressing

> Allah ‘s Apostle.



> Apostle’s love making was outstanding and was watched (and admired) by

> all his wives….

> Muslim, Book 008, Number 3450:

> Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah’s Apostle (may

> peace be upon him) had nine wives. They (all the wives) used to gather

> every night in the house of one where he had to come (and stay that

> night).



> Bukhari , Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38a:

> A man peeped into one of the dwelling places of the Prophet.

> Muslim, Book 025, Number 5369:

> Anas b. Malik reported that a person peeped in some of the holes (in

> the doors) of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him).

> Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 83, Number 38:

> Narrated Sahl bin Sa’d As-Sa’idi:

> A man peeped through a hole in the door of Allah’s Apostle’s house,



> Allah not only gave him extraordinary capability for sexual activity

> but also gave him special privileges to use those capabilities.

> .Q33.50 : O Prophet! In addition to all your wives, slave girls and

> captured women, we have made lawful to you all your first cousins and

> any believing woman if she gave herself to you, and if you desire her.



> Allah blessed his lovemaking with divine inspirations afterwards.

> Tabari Vl7, page :7 Ayesha said ‘Inspiration came to him when he and I

> were in a single blanket’.

> Bukhari Vol 5 Bk57 N 119

> Prophet said, By Allah, the Divine Inspiration never came to me while

> I was under the blanket of any woman except Aesha.



> Apostle got solicitated by hot women all the time (apparently by the

> publicity of his greatness in bed)..

> Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 24:

> A woman came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I have

> come to give you myself

> Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48:

> Narrated Hisham’s father:

> Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to

> the Prophet. ‘Aisha said, “Doesn’t a lady feel ashamed for presenting

> herself to a man?”

> Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 53:

> Narrated Thabit Al-Banani:

> “A woman came to Allah’s Apostle and presented herself to him, saying,

> ‘O Allah’s Apostle, have you any need for me ?’ “Thereupon Anas’s

> daughter said, “What a shameless lady she was! Shame! Shame!” Anas

> said, “She was better than you; she had a liking for the Prophet

> Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 54:

> ‘A woman presented herself to the Prophet.’

> ‘Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 58:

> Narrated Sahl bin Sad:

> A woman came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I have

> come to you to present myself to you.



> Apostle got aroused at sight of (attractive) women.

> Muslim, Book 008, Number 3240:

> ‘Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a

> woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a

> leather and had sexual intercourse with her’.



> One day Apostle of Allah walked into his adopted son Zaid’s house.

> Zaid was not there but he caught a glimpse of his voluptuous and

> beautiful wife Zainab (she was apostle’s first cousin) in her birthday

> suit.

> Tabari wrote:

> “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zaid. Now there was a covering

> of hair cloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering

> so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber,

> undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet”.

> The admiration aroused him instantly, which Zainab also noticed and

> mentioned it to her husband Zaid later. He rushed to his father’s

> house and offered Zainab to him. Mohammed worried about possible bad

> press and refused to accept it. But Allah will not take no for an

> answer and insisted on their union.

> Q 33:37 We gave her (Zaid’s wife) unto thee in marriage, so that

> (henceforth) there may be no sin for believers in respect of wives of

> their adopted sons’.



> Once he entered his wife Hafsa’s room for some reason. Hafsa was not

> there but he found her lovely young maid Maria instead. He grabbed her

> and jumped into the bed with her for a quickie. But the quickie was

> not quick enough and Hafsa walked in and started yelling. To quieten

> her down and to please her he promised never to touch her maid again.

> However Allah did not approve of this sacrifice and revealed the

> following ayas:

> Q66.1 SHAKIR: O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah

> has made lawful for you (slave girl Maria); you seek to please your

> wife(Hafsa)

> 66.2 Allah has sanctioned for you to break your promise (go sleep with

> Hafsa’s maid)



> Apostle was helpless because of his 30 man libido and got excited even

> when he saw little girls.

> Ibn Ishaq: Suhayli, 2.79: In the riwaya of Yunus Ibn Ishaq recorded

> that the apostle saw (Ummu’l-Fadl hen she was baby crawling before him

> and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.’

> (ref.10, p. 311)

> Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age

> of nursing) and he said, “If she grows up while I am still alive, I

> will marry her.” (Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636)



> Twice he dreamt of a little girl, the 6 year old pretty daughter of

> his best friend Abu. She was wrapped in a silk cloth. He uncovered the

> silk cloth to see more of her.

> Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15:

> Narrated ‘Aisha:

> Allah’s Apostle said (to me), “You have been shown to me twice in (my)

> dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth and said to me, ‘This

> is your wife.’ I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to

> myself, ‘If this dream is from Allah, He will cause it to come true.’”

> He ended up marrying the 6 year old girl of his dreams.



> Apostle could think of having sex with his wives and it felt just like

> real thing..

> Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660:

> Narrated Aisha:

> ‘Allah’s Apostle used to think that he had sexual relations with his

> wives while he actually had not’.



> His day dreaming was so realistic that he even got wet spots on his

> garments . Ayesha drycleaned those spots.

> .Bukhari,Book 002, Number 0572:

> Ayesha said ‘In case I found that (semen) on the garment of the

> Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) dried up, I scraped it off

> with my nails’.



> Apostle was turned off instantly whenever he was suspected of shadiness.

> One night Ayesha got a punch instead of getting sex because she got

> suspicious of his strange activities and followed him at night

> (without his knowledge) to a cemetery, where he stood in darkness

> waving his hands.

> Muslimi,Book 004, Number 2127:

> Ayesha narrated. “He struck me on the chest which caused me pain.’

> (the hadith is too long, one can read on usc.edu/msa)



> When the apostle was in bed with his new young and pretty bride Al

> Shanba bint Amr bin Ghiffuriya, she told him that if he was a real

> prophet, his most beloved 2 year old son Ibrahim would not have died

> of sickness after he prayed day and night for him. Apostle kicked her

> out and divorced her without consummation of the marriage.

> (She was lucky to have been just kicked out. Allah demands death for

> doubting Mohammed)

> (Tabari, vol 9, page 136)


> ------------------------------------


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