Sorry for the inline headers. This gives me some space to speak about
the changes related to Windows.

go 1.19 introduces a netgo flag for windows that bypasses Window's
resolver for a go resolver. This prevents Prometheus to use Windows'
/etc/host equivalent, which means that localhost can't be resolved.

Prometheus 2.40 contains this issue and we will not build prometheus
with netgo on windows to revert to the old behavior.

On 12 Dec 14:12, Julien Pivotto wrote:
> Hello Prometheus community,
> As you may be aware, the first Long Term Support (LTS) release of
> Prometheus was made in July of this year. I initially promised 6 months
> of support for this 2.37 release, but I am now proposing to increase that to
> one year.
> In order to make this possible, I will need to upgrade the underlying Go
> version from 1.18 to 1.19. This is necessary in order to ensure that the
> LTS release remains under a supported version of Go, as 1.18 will be end
> of life before the one year of support for the LTS release is complete.
> The upgrade will require some changes to the build process, specifically
> for Windows, in order to ensure compatibility with the new Go version.
> However, I do not foresee any changes to the codebase itself in relation
> to the Go upgrade.
> I am currently working on the necessary changes and plan to release an
> updated version of the LTS release in the coming weeks. I will keep the
> community informed as the work progresses and provide details on the
> exact timeline for the LTS support lifetime.
> Due to the inclusion of additional features like native histograms and
> out of order ingestion, the next LTS release of Prometheus is likely to
> only happen in 2-3 releases. These features touch some of the critical
> code paths of Prometheus and will require additional time to stabilize
> before being included in an LTS release. Even if these features are
> still considered experimental at the time of the next LTS release, I
> believe it is important to give them more time to mature before making
> the LTS release.
> I welcome any feedback or suggestions on this proposal. Please let me
> know if you have any concerns or questions.
> Thank you for your support of Prometheus.
> PS: This email has been partly generated with ChatGPT.
> -- 
> Julien Pivotto
> @roidelapluie

Julien Pivotto

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