

Since a couple of days, we introduced two new repositories in the 
prometheus-community <https://github.com/prometheus-community> that each 
propose a way to handle the promQL syntax in a web editor:


   - monaco-promql <https://github.com/prometheus-community/monaco-promql>

This one supports the promQL syntax for the code editor Monaco 
<https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/> developed by Microsoft. It 
provides *autocompletion and syntax highlighting*.

We provided the documentations to setup the plugin for *ReactJS* and 
*Angular* ( version >= 8)


   - codemirror-promql 

This one supports the promQL syntax for the code editor CodeMirror 

For the moment it provides *autocompletion and syntax highlighting* too, 
but also a beginning of *syntax checking*. The syntax checking will be 
improved as things progress. The idea at the end is to be able to highlight 
the promQL error exactly like Prometheus is doing.

A bit later, the plugin will also propose an online mode that will use the 
functionality provided by the project promQL-langserver 
<https://github.com/prometheus-community/promql-langserver>. (Which will 
require a live instance of Prometheus)


And then if the repository is keeping its promises, it will be integrated 
to Prometheus itself. So it will be supported as well on *ReactJS*.


Also be aware that this repo is on *an alpha stage*, so you may encounter 
some bugs 😊

Once this project will be done, we will certainly try to converge the 
monaco-promql to the same amount of functionality :).


Both repositories have a website web where you can test the different 


If you have any questions and/or suggestions to improve both projects, 
subject is opened :).




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