Hi. I want to add the dashboard link in the alert of that particular 
service. That dashboard takes the server IP and hostname as input. From the 
instance label, I want to remove the port number and pass it as input to be 
Configured Alert:
  - alert: OutOfDiskSpace-Crit
    expr: ((node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype!~"nfs.*"} - 
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{fstype!~"nfs.*"}) / 
node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype!~"nfs.*"} * 100 > 90) * on (instance) 
group_left(nodename) node_uname_info
    for: 5m
      severity: "CRITICAL"
      summary: "High Disk Usage on *{{ $labels.instance }}* - *{{ 
$labels.nodename }}* on the filesystem *{{ $labels.mountpoint }}*"
      description: "Current Usage of {{ $labels.mountpoint }} = *{{ $value 
| humanize }}%*"
      dashboard: "DashbordLink?orgId=1&*var-node=*&*var-name={{ 
$labels.nodename }}*&fullscreen&panelId=174"

In the var-name variable, I am directly passing the hostname using 
*, I want to pass the IP(without port) in the *var-node *variable.


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