There are several well known and well used phrases
regarding money. Most of these have been around since
the first bank notes were printed and we stopped using
the barter system. While many still hold water today,
our generation and those that follow may find that the
tide is turning on this particular issue.

For example, "money doesn't grow on tree's". If I had
a pound for every time I've heard that, I would be
much richer than I am now. However the truth is that
in some money making systems money can grow on tree's.
The problem for average Joe is in deciding which is
honest and profitable and which won't give you a dime.
Many referral systems will use some sort of tree
structure with different payouts depending on which
branch of your tree a new user finds. While these can
be ongoing, the chances are in my opinion that anyone
who attempts to profit using referral systems will be
in for a rough ride. Of course if you are the owner of
a popular web page with thousands of visitors you are
likely to refer many, but often your proceeds will
come from your referrals referrals. Can you guarantee
the actions of people you don't know? No certainly
not, you can't even second guess people you do know
half the time, its human nature.

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