i also got the 'about to expire' call a few months ago

Dennis Saputelli

Harry Selfridge wrote:
> At 11:55 PM 8/7/03 +0100, you wrote:
> >Duane, Harry
> >
> >Its not nonsense, its for real.
> >
> >I was made the same offer from the UK VAR but was informed that the
> >maintenance cover WAS optional, it covered major releases and 'priority'
> >telephone support. SP, add-ons would always be free for current major
> >release only.
> >
> >But, my understanding, is that it is very misunderstood. After all the
> >backlash against ATS it is still actually around in principle under a
> >different name & guise and now 'optional'.
> >
> >I brought this up around April this year on this list, but it seems that
> >no-one had an issue with this at the time, and quite OK about it, unlike
> >the ATS revolt.
> >John A. Ross
> John -
> The phrase from the salesman that peaked my attention, and raised my
> hackles, was "your license is about to expire".  There is no annual license
> requirement for Protel.  Regarding ATS, below is the message that was sent
> to me from Altium on 26 September 2002 - it is consistent with the slide
> that you reference in your posting:
> Quote -
> As a result of listening to extensive customer feedback, we would like to
> inform you that the Altium Total Support (ATS) maintenance program has been
> discontinued, and all published Service Packs for Protel products will be
> made freely available to all Protel customers.
> We have taken this step to reaffirm the core values of our company - that
> of providing easy access for all engineers, designers and developers to the
> best possible design technologies - and to preserve the key benefits and
> advantages that you have enjoyed as a Protel designer.
> Service packs not only address issues with the software, they also include
> enhanced features and functionality, ensuring you get the most out of your
> Protel design system. Forcing customers to pay for product fixes and
> technology updates does not fit with the spirit in which Altium was
> founded, nor is it in harmony with the Protel product development philosophy.
> Options will be available for Protel customers that wish to have direct
> phone support and/or to annualize the cost of upgrades. The availability of
> these options will not disadvantage customers who wish to maintain their
> products on an upgrade-by-upgrade basis. All current ATS members will
> continue to receive all benefits entitled to them. If you would like any
> further information on these changes, please don't hesitate to contact your
> local Altium Sales and Support Center.
> A press release regarding the changes is available at
> http://www.protel.com/news.htm. For information on the latest Protel
> service packs available for download visit:
> http://www.protel.com/resources/downloads/.
> If you would like more product information on Protel or would like to
> download the Protel DXP Trial Version visit http://www.protel.com.
> Best regards,
> Phil Loughhead
> Protel Product Manager
> Altium Limited
> - End Quote

Dennis Saputelli

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