> What's your point? That people should be diplomatic no matter what? Yeah,
> right. Diplomacy is a two way street buddy. I have no patience with people
> who spout off unsubstatiated, illogical, and incorrect garbage, reagrdless
> of whether it offends the ears or eyes of the current priveledged class.

aj, how can you stand living in this world?  ;-)

My thoughts:

1) The world is full of people like you described.
2) Some of these people are "full-time propagators" of their own brand of
3) Usually BS is said to advance the cause of a priveledged class, not in
opposition to it.
4) Most of us have been at least a "part-time propagator" of our own brand
of BS at some point in our lives  ;-)
5) The priveledged class always consists of "other people", not oneself  ;-)

I enjoy fictional stories about people who always see things through their
own preconceived notions.  The movie "Being There" and the novel "A
Confederacy of Dunces" are 2 of my favorite illustrations of this.

Best regards,
Ivan Baggett
Bagotronix Inc.
website:  www.bagotronix.com

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Protel EDA Forum... was adjacent component placeme nt D

> What's your point? That people should be diplomatic no matter what? Yeah,
> right. Diplomacy is a two way street buddy. I have no patience with people
> who spout off unsubstatiated, illogical, and incorrect garbage, reagrdless
> of whether it offends the ears or eyes of the current priveledged class. I
> find it darkly humorous that most of you people who instinctively rally
> blind diplomacy are those who
> a) are generally overpaid,
> b) are secretly worried that the rest of society around them will discover
> how much of a gravy train they're riding
> c) will generally overlook any deceptive remarks made by others if it
> their purposes
> d) always have subtle "diplomatic" methods of imbuing the world with their
> own forms of poison.
> Finally, I'll note that your own "contribution" to the thread consisted of
> little more than an attack on me, with no mention of the fact that Peter
> Morgan was wrong in his authoritative statement about the purpose of this
> group.
> (See items "c" and "d" above)
> Pot.Kettle.Black
> aj
> Clearly we do not share the same vision of what constitutes open, honest
> communication. If that means I am not part of your community, then thank
> God.

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