[protest-ro] COMUNICAT DE PRESA - Pentru difuzare imediata

2006-09-17 Fir de Conversatie gh.brega
Pentru difuzare imediata COMUNICAT DE PRESA Hyde Park a anuntat, conform legii despre mitinguri, Primaria Chisinau ca intentioneaza sa desfasoare un sir de actiuni stradale in zilele urmatoare, dar autoritatile locale incearca sa impiedice libera exprim

[protest-ro] 9/11: In Theory and in Fact

2006-09-17 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
9/11: In Theory and in Fact In Defense of Conspiracy By DIANA JOHNSTONE The spreading popularity of the 9/11 conspiracy hypothesis is a political phenomenon of some significance. I wish to examine both the causes and the effects, as well as the substance of the hypothesis itself. Distrust

[protest-ro] Apel pentru repunerea lui Paul Goma si a familiei sale in drepturile de cetateni romani

2006-09-17 Fir de Conversatie Codruta Nedelcu
I have signed an online petition, Apel pentru repunerea lui Paul Goma si a familiei sale in drepturile de cetateni romani. You may wish to support this cause by clicking on the link below and following the instructions. http://www.gopetition.co.uk/online/9607.html Thanks Codruta Nedelcu