Hello All,

I have a message as below:

message DynamicGroupPlot
  extend GroupPlot {
    optional DynamicGroupPlot plot = 100; 

  repeated int32 line = 1 
  optional bool overlay = 5;
  optional bool tdc_shift = 6;
  optional bool smoothing = 7;
  optional bool valve_events = 8;
  optional bool theoretical = 9;

I am using c# compiler. With extends what I understood is, it will create a 
mapping between DynamicGroupPlot and GroupPlot  i.e some kind of 
inheritance. But the generated .cs files doesn't show any relationship 
between  DynamicGroupPlot  and GroupPlot .

Here is the snippet from generated .cs file

 public sealed partial class DynamicGroupPlot : 
    public DynamicGroupPlot() {

    partial void OnConstruction();

    public DynamicGroupPlot(DynamicGroupPlot other) : this() {
      _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
      line_ = other.line_.Clone();
      dynamicType_ = other.dynamicType_;
      phasing_ = other.phasing_;
      autoscale_ = other.autoscale_;
      overlay_ = other.overlay_;
      tdcShift_ = other.tdcShift_;
      smoothing_ = other.smoothing_;
      valveEvents_ = other.valveEvents_;
      theoretical_ = other.theoretical_;
      _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);

I am new to protobuf. Any help is much appreciated.


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