
I am working on a library where I would use protobuf. 

I need to link it statically. The target platform is macOS. 

The usual way of fetching dependencies (brew install protobuf) is no go, as 
it comes only with shared libraries.

I tried forcing homebrew to rebuild protobuf (brew install protobuf 
--build-from-source) but it fails as some tests are not passing (logs [1] 
at the end of this message).

I fetched the source code (27.3) release from github, run 

bazel build :portico :protobuf 

inside the source directory, but while it compiles protoc compiler, there's 
no CMake/protobuf-lite library in the output.

Apparently the runtime is based on CMake, so I run 

cmake -S . -B build -Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 
-Dprotobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER=package -Dprotobuf_JSONCPP_PROVIDER=package

and then issued compilation in build/ dir, and yay, it compiled protobuf.

However, when I added the build/cmake to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH it complains 
about missing build/cmake/protobuf/protobuf-targets.cmake

So I tried adding the repository as git submodule, and adding it via 
add_subdirectory CMake command, then it fails with

CMake Error: install(EXPORT "protobuf-targets" ...) includes target 
"libprotobuf-lite" which requires target "absl_absl_check" that is not in 
any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "protobuf-targets" ...) includes target 
"libprotobuf-lite" which requires target "absl_absl_log" that is not in any 
export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "protobuf-targets" ...) includes target 
"libprotobuf-lite" which requires target "absl_algorithm" that is not in 
any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "protobuf-targets" ...) includes target 
"libprotobuf-lite" which requires target "absl_base" that is not in any 
export set.

abseil is added as add_subdirectory as well.

I run into conclusion that I must be doing something fundamentally wrong, 
as I don't expect such popular piece of code to be so hard to integrate.

Any suggestions on how to properly embed protobuf within such a project?

Thanks in advance,


[1] Failed tests:

2: [ RUN      ] TextFormatParserTest.ParseFieldValueFromString
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158054 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158063 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range 
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158079 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158082 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range 
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158084 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: -
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158085 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158087 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range 
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158089 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: -
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158090 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158092 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range 
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158094 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: -
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158095 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected integer, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158097 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range 
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158101 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:5: Invalid value for boolean 
field "optional_bool". Value: "tRue".
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158106 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:6: Invalid value for boolean 
field "optional_bool". Value: "faLse".
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158108 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Integer out of range (2)
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158109 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected identifier, got: -
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158111 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:3: Invalid value for boolean 
field "optional_bool". Value: "on".
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158113 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:2: Invalid value for boolean 
field "optional_bool". Value: "a".
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158130 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected double, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158132 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected double, got: a
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158134 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expect a decimal number, 
got: 0xf
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158136 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expect a decimal number, 
got: 012
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158138 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected string, got: hello
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158141 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:7: Unknown enumeration value 
of "FOOBAR" for field "optional_nested_enum".
2: E0000 00:00:1723926116.158143 5519321 text_format.cc:417] Error parsing 
text-format protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes: 1:1: Expected "{", found "any".

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