You could probably also use
$$('td .yui-dt-liner div[id^=yui-gen]')[2].setStyle('width:122px');
for individual calls - but if you are going through multiple elements I
would use each as Walter described
Jason Westbrook | T: 313-799-3770 |
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 3:19 PM,
Sure. if you start at the tr that holds the tds, you can use down() to do this.
If you want the second td to have a certain width, you could do this:
elm.down('td', 2).setStyle('width:122px');
On Sep 23, 2012, at 12:59 PM,
I have to assign the different sizes to the td, and the width of them
depends on the number's position of the tag in table.
In Jquery I can write
$$('td .yui-dt-liner
changing the argument in eq. is there analogue expression in p