[Proto-Scripty] Re: new AjaxRequest.....

2008-11-18 Thread Ricardo Fontão Verhaeg
for the first case i was thinking of using a timeout call... should it work? :: Ricardo Verhaeg :: Bacharelado Ciências da Computação - USP - São Carlos (2005) On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 20:07, Ricardo Fontão Verhaeg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > thanks! > I was working (for studies pur

[Proto-Scripty] Re: new AjaxRequest.....

2008-11-18 Thread Ricardo Fontão Verhaeg
thanks! I was working (for studies purpouses) on a hand made auto-complete with prototype, the idea was that if the user types too fast it will launch only the latest request not all of them. Another issue i was having.. is that if I trigger two or more requests that will work on the same element,

[Proto-Scripty] Re: new AjaxRequest.....

2008-11-18 Thread Ricardo Fontão Verhaeg
Getting in the road with the question. I have assigned the Ajax.Request to a variable, but in the ajax request code i've add an onSuccess function to be called. This will be called multiple times if I make multiple requests? or just the last one will be completed? :: Ricardo Verhaeg :: Bacharelado