[Proto-Scripty] InPlaceEditor - making 'cancel' link show another div...

2008-11-21 Thread ressister
How can I assign a function to to show a hidden div using the onLeaveEditMode callback? Right now, when a user clicks the span that initiates the in-place edit field for a category name, additional edit controls are hidden. I'd like to then reveal those controls again either when a user submits

[Proto-Scripty] drag-and-drop fails with fixed position droppables when page scrolls

2008-10-01 Thread ressister
I've got to imagine someone's run into this problem before, though I can't seem to find a good explanation on how to fix it... I have a fixed position div with category names (all droppable elements) in the left column of my app. In the main body of my app are entries which a user can drag onto