[Proto-Scripty] Effect.Notify

2009-03-28 Thread rrd
Hari, I have created a new combination effect, Effect.Notify. It creates a notification box and after a given time fade it out. If you scroll the notification box will stay in its position. http://webmania.cc/effectnotify-en Any comments, suggestion and bug reports are welcome on the link above

[Proto-Scripty] New combination effect

2009-03-27 Thread rrd
Is there any documentation about creating new combination effects? How to use initialize, setup, update, etc methods? How to add an afterUpdate callback? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Prototype & sc

[Proto-Scripty] extending autocomplete

2009-02-20 Thread rrd
I use Ajax.autocompleter for getting 5 members of a long list. I would like to add a previous link to the top of the list and a next link to the end of the list. So the first of the server's answer is the previous link, the next 5 -s are the responses and the last is the next link. My question

[Proto-Scripty] Ajax.Autocompleter and blur

2009-01-08 Thread rrd
Hari, If someone type something ito the autocompleter input and press a TAB or Enter quickly after the typing the input lost focus. I want to attach an event handler to the input for the blur event. It checks if it has any value, and if not it adds a value depend on the input's value. The proble