I don't know answer for the first question. But for the second is
event capturing - http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_order.html
There are two ways of propagating events - from the outer elements and
from inner. The first way is named event capturing.

Unfortunately I can't find in api.prototypejs.org info about setting
event capturing type (probably due to IEs problems). But of course You
can use basic JS addEventListener or maybe there is some hidden way

On 29 Gru 2010, 02:43, kstubs <kst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to observe pure XmlHttpRequest, in other words, an Ajax request
> made by code not written for prototype.js.  Is this possible?  Ultimately, I
> am working with an existing .NET web application and I'd like to add
> additional features to the resulting client side script without busting open
> the source.
> Another thought:  I am trying to observe
> document.observe('click', myClickHandler ()); but never reaching
> myClickHandler as I believe the underlying code is stopping
> the propagation of this event.  If this is the case, is there no way to
> observe a click at the document level?
> Karl..

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