
This is my first post on this mailing list and I hope you guys can
help. I was trying to learn Mootools but I felt that I needed a new
Famework so I switched to Prototype. I'm a novice Framework user and
any tips would be greatly aprreciated.... So lets get to it.

The mootools menu is here http://demos111.mootools.net/Fx.Styles
There is also a Jquery Version

But, I want mine in prototype!

JS Code
<script type="text/javascript">

                                var container= $("container");//gets container
//moves it up 700px.
                                new Effect.Move('container',{x:0,y:700}) 
//Slides Down from top

                                var navElements = $$('nave');//gets all 
elements with the class
                                navElements.each(function(i){//for each element 
give them the
                                        this.morph()//what goes here?

I get lost as what to do for each navElements.... I've tried some
combo of observe('mouseOver') and mouseOut... but to no avail.... If
someone could help me refactor this code or get me pointed in the
right direction it would be grrrrrrreeeeaat!


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