Since we had started the CFP under the assumption of running an
in-person conference and are now switching EuroPython 2020 to an
online event, we will extend the CFP for another two weeks until April
12, to give everyone who would like to participate in this new format,
a chance to submit a session proposal.

            * EuroPython 2020 Online - Call for Proposal *


The online event will have this layout:

- July 23 - 24 (Thursday, Friday): conference days
- July 25 - 26 (Saturday, Sunday): sprint days

Presenting at EuroPython

For the conference days, we are looking for the following session types:

- Talks of 35- or 45-minute duration (including 3-5 minutes for Q&A)
- Posters
- Help desks / Panels / Interactive sessions

We will give out free tickets to the event for all selected speakers.

For posters, we are planning to collect them on a gallery page,
together with PDF versions to read during the event. The speaker will
then be available during the poster session to answer questions and
present more details using screen sharing.

Help desks, panels and interactive sessions will be run using virtual
rooms we’ll make available during the conference days.

We will also have lightning talks for the online event, but those will
be collected closer to the event using a separate form or Google sheet
- similar to how we run this at the in-person conference.

For submitting sprints, please check our sprints page. Note that
unlike the conference days, the sprints day won’t require buying a

Let’s make this an engaging event for everyone

Even though we’re running an online event, our aim is to make the
online event as engaging as possible, so we will provide ways for
direct interaction with the speakers after their talk in separate
virtual rooms and additionally a chat system for asynchronous

The conference system will also allow live polls and text or
audio/video based Q&A sessions, so please consider this when preparing
your sessions and add any polls you’d like to run in the submission
notes section (“Additional information for talk reviewers”).

The conference will be held between 09:00 CEST and 20:00 CEST on the
two conference days. We will try to schedule talks based on location
and timezone of the speaker. Please indicate your timezone in
submission notes.

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


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