Hello gang.
I have a client who I'm trying to help with ProTools.  He has Mountain Lion
lamentably, and doesn't seem to have any desire to upgrade or downgrade.  I
explained to him that things would be very difficult with Mountain Lion, but
in the most respectful way I know how to say this, I'm not trying to be
difficult, but he's not understanding when I tell him things don't work as
he thinks.  He is coming from the world of Sonar, and now wants to get into
ProTools.  First of all, a little about his setup:
He has a set of studio monitors which are connected to a Mackie onix 1642 16
channel firewire interface.  He also has two midi sampler modules.  I'm not
sure the models.  One is a Barranger, but I don't know what the other one
is.  He told me, but I don't recall.  He's trying to add an instrument
track, more specifically, mini grand, but he can't seem to get the stereo
instrument track to arm so that he can record.
What he told me that he's doing is:  he has one of the older model 61 keys
of the Yamaha Motif.  He's running his barranger midi module from the line
out via an 8th inch stereo cable, to one of the 16 channels on his Mackie
onix 1642.  The thing is, he's telling me that module only has a midi out,
and not a midi in.  I find that extremely! hard to believe!  How could you
get midi out of the module, if you're not feeding anything into it to start
with.  He doesn't even have a midi through.  If he did, we could use that,
as you'll see in a minute, as he's got a dazy chain going on here.  The
other module he's not even using right now, period.  He said it's not even
hooked up.  He'd like it to be, but he said it wouldn't be possible with his
setup.  To get midi out of his Motif into the computer, at least with Sonar,
he was not doing this with midi in/midi out.  He actually said he was doing
it via USB from the Motif to his windows computer.  He said he suspected it
would work the same way with his Mac on ProTools.  I asked him if he's
trying to get the sound from the Motif into ProTools, as well as the sounds
from the modules.  He said yes.  He said however, the USB on the motif, at
least on the older model, only carries midi events.  It doesn't carry audio,
thus making a separate audio device.  I know nothing about that.  I dont'
currently have a motif, so am very unfamiliar.  If anyone wants to ship me
their's though... hint hint?  LOL!  Just kidding!  Seriously though...  I
dont' know what else to say.  I told him he could do this, but he'd not be
able to do it like in Sonar.  In Sonar, you can have multiple audio devices
going at the same time both in and out.  You can't with ProTools.  Well, OK,
you can through a send or a bus, ok, fine, but what I'm saying is, you can't
have two audio devices for your playback engine at the same time, can you?
Not at least, unless you use the ProTools agragate device which can be a bit
problematic, at least in my experience.  I told him if he wants to get the
keyboard, and both his modules working, what he should do is:
1.  Run an RCA red and white to stereo quarter inch cord out of his motif
and the other end to a channel on the Mackie onix 1642.
2.  Run a midi cable from midi out on the motif, to midi in on one of his
3.  Take another midi cord, and run from midi through on the same module
going to the motif.  Run the other end of that cord to midi through on the
second module.
4.  Take a 3rd midi cable, and run from midi out of the second module to
midi in on his Mackie onix 1642.
Here, we hit a problem.  He said the Mackie onix 1642 doesn't have midi
interface.  I told him, ok, then, does the second module in the chain have a
line out?  He said yes.  I told him ok, then run from that module's line
out, to one of the channel line in's on his Mackie onix 1642 with a stereo
patch cord.
5.  I told him finally, then, set your I/O paths up correctly in ProTools to
use the Mackie onix 1642 as his playback engine, and make sure the in and
out paths are set to the defaults.  He seemed very stubborn to not want to
do any of the above steps.  He seems to think that he can run USB out of his
keyboard... Motif... and use it as a USB midi  device on it's own,
stand-alone yet use the other stuff seperetly yet, have PT see them both at
the same time as one device.  I don't know who's confused here, but it
sounds like him.  I dont' think that's possible, is it?  I mean, the only
way I know to do this would be to use audio/midi setup in the utilities
folder of his Finder, and create an agrigate device with those devices all
in it, then set PT to that Agrigate device, right?
I  just wanna get some clarification from someone who may use a Motif in
their studio, or maybe have worked with a Mackie onix 1642 specifically, who
could give me some pointers.  I dont' think it's gonna work the way he
clames, but then at times, I never clamed either to not be audio stupid at
I promised him I'd reach out to you guys and see if anyone knew anything.

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