Hi, I was looking for a replacement audio interface for my Digi 003 and was looking into the Universal Audio Apollo x8p 16x22 audio interface as I want to get something much better for my new mac book pro that I plan to get soon.  At this point I am not worried if Pro Tools will work right out of the box with it as my current late model 2011 17 inch with 16 gigs of ram and the 750 gig spinning drive Pro Tools does not run on it anymore regardless of what version I install for 10.13.6 so I am alright waiting for that.  My main issue at this current time is the hardware and was looking into the Universal Audio Apollo x8p 16x22 audio interface and was wondering how accessible this is with voice over and are the included plugins usable or can I use my native Avid plugins if I am alright with those results?  If this is not the best brand for vocals and musical recording then what interface is?  I was also looking at the Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre audio interface so the same questions are for that one how accessible is the included software and if I just want to use the Avid native plugins that come with Pro Tools can I do this with this interface also?  If anyone else also has other suggestions I am open to these as I am not into one brand I am into getting what I need done.  Nick Gawronski

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