Hello, to all,

I am having trouble quantizing drums using elastic audio.Would some one be willing to give me step by step instructions on how to complete this task?I have all my drums added to a group with the tracks selected, I navigate to the edit view, locate the elastic audio button and set the plug to rhythmic audio, but I have also tried polyphonic without success.After wating for the audio to be analyzed, Set the grid to the proper note increment, I then use the hotkey command plus the number 0. However, The drums are are moved to some strange place on the grid or has some interesting artifacts in the audio.

I have also found that when I attempt to nudge the audio in to place numbad plus and minus only move the cursor and not the audio.Any advice on this problem would also be appreciated.I have tried looking in the manual for help, but I was unsuccessful.

I thank you in advance for your help,


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