Ok, this is fixed.
I created a test that creates a URL by calling
new URL("http", null, /foo);
and then pass the string to ptolemy.util.FileUtilities.nameToURL()
and I was getting http:/foo back.
I modified the code so I now get http://foo back.
The test is:
test FileUtilities-8.7 {nameToURL:
Well, it seems I cannot reproduce the problem Efrat was having. Maybe
that was a data problem. However, even with the test workflow, and the
previous revision of URLToLocalFile, I cannot reproduce the problem.
I was talking to Efrat a while ago, and I think this fix actually
I was talking to Efrat a while ago, and I think this fix actually covers
up a bug in ptII's ptolemy.util.FileUtilities.nameToURL() which appears
to add an extra "/" to the string, which then makes the name look like
this: "http:///www";. What this really indicates to Java when converte