This kind of application is a good match, in part because my own background is in communication systems (I co-authored a text on the subject, now in its third edition).

Ptolemy II has a continuous-time domain that models continuous transfer
functions, and it can be mixed hierarchically with the discrete-event domain, dataflow models for discrete-time behavior, and FSMs for protocols. There are also a few actors in the library that are potentially useful, including some coders and decoders, adaptive filters, etc. Also, there is a director for modeling wireless systems, and few (very oversimplified) channel models in the library. The library is fairly easy to extend.

There are a few simple demos included in the distribution.

Hope this helps...


Muzaffer Kal wrote:
I'm looking for a system where I can develop/prototype communication systems
which include discrete and continuous portions (ala digital & analog). Is
Ptolemy a good/robust enough platform to do this? Initially I'd like to do
some discrete blocks including some FSM models and analog front end and
channel modelling. I'd appreciate some comments from people who have used
Ptolemy for similar purposes. One related question would be whether I can
simulate S domain equations in connection with a discrete domain process.



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