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Deep Knowledge Representation Challenge Workshop

Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/site/dkrckcap2011/

Co-located with K-CAP 2011 (http://kcap2011.stanford.edu/)
Date: June 26, 2011
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Format: Full-Day Workshop

This workshop will provide a forum to discuss difficult problems in
representing complex knowledge needed to support deep reasoning,
question answering, explanation and justification systems.  The goals
of the workshop are: (1) to create a comprehensive set of knowledge
representation (KR) challenge problems suitable for a recurring
competition, and (2) begin to develop KR techniques to meet those
challenges.  A set of difficult to represent sentences from a biology
textbook are included as an initial set of KR challenges. Cash prizes
will be awarded for the most creative and comprehensive solutions to
the selected challenges.

The workshop will be a highly interactive event with brief
presentations of problems and solutions followed by group discussion.
To submit a paper to the workshops, the participants should select a
subset of the challenge sentences and present approaches for
representing them along with an approach to use that representation in
a problem solving task (question answering or decision support).
Participants are free to add to the list of challenge sentences, for
example, from other chapters of the textbook, or within the spirit of
their own projects and experience but should base their suggestions on
concrete examples, if possible, from real applications.

Please visit https://sites.google.com/site/dkrckcap2011/ for more details.

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