== Call for Participants ==

2nd AMW School on Data Management: Scalability and Semantics (AMWS-2014)
June 2–3, 2014, Cartagena, Colombia.

Collocated with:
"The 8th Alberto Mendelzon International WS on Data Management",

== About the School ==

The AMW School is an intensive two-day event centred around four tutorials
on state-of-the-art Data Management techniques covering:

* Scalability-related topics, including Modern Database systems, NoSQL,
Data Mining, Social Web, Big Data, MapReduce, etc.

* Logic-related topics, including Datalog(+/-), OWL Ontologies, Database
Views and Integrity Constraints, Query Reformulation, etc.

Along with the learning-based outcomes, a major objective of the AMW
School is to connect together young researchers from Latin America working
in the area of Data Management. Looking to the future, the event aims to
forge stronger research collaborations among Latin American universities
on this important topic.

== Invited Speakers and Topics ==

* "An In-Depth Look at Modern Database Systems"
- C. Mohan (IBM Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center, San José)

* "Making Sense of the Social Web"
- Barbara Poblete (Assistant Professor at University of Chile and
Associated Researcher at Yahoo! Labs, Santiago)

* "Datalog and its Extensions for Knowledge Representation & Reasoning"
- Andreas Pieris (Post-doctoral Researcher at University of Oxford)

* "Logic-based Approaches to Reformulation of Database Queries"
- Michael Benedikt (Professor at University of Oxford and a fellow of
University College, Oxford)

Detailed speaker bios and talk abstracts are available here:
- http://ing.unal.edu.co/eventos/amw2014/html/english/tutorial.html

== Interactive Session ==

The school will also feature an interactive session of lightening talks,
where all participants are allotted a short presentation time to present
their research interests. The goal of this session is for attendees to
identify common topics, encouraging discussion about potential

== Application and Contact ==

Interested participants should register by sending an e-mail to the chairs
of the AMW school: Cristian Riveros (crive...@ing.puc.cl) and Aidan Hogan

Further registration details for AMW are available here:

== Travel Grants ==

We expect to acquire funds to support travel for participants from Latin
America. If you are interested in benefiting from such a grant, please
contact the chairs (emails above). Further details of grants will be
disseminated at a later date.

== Homepage ==


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