(Apologies for cross-posting)

== Call for Participants ==

3rd AMW School on Data Management (AMWS-2015)
May 6–8, 2015, Lima, Peru.

Collocated with:
"The 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Data Management",

Please also see below for information about travel grants available for
students enrolled in Latin American universities (generously supported by
the VLDB Endowment). We also kindly ask that you consider forwarding this
mail to any such students who may be interested.

== About the School ==

The AMW School is an intensive two-day event centred around four tutorials
on state-of-the-art Data Management techniques presented by preeminent
international speakers. This year, the school covers foundational topics
relating to, e.g., Logic and Querying, Regular Expressions, Uncertainty,
and Data Mining.

Alongside the tutorials, a major objective of the AMW School is to connect
together young researchers from Latin America working in the area of Data
Management. Looking to the future, the event aims to forge stronger
research collaborations involving Latin American universities on this
important topic. Likewise, the school is co-located with the AMW workshop,
offering students exposure to an international research event, allowing
them to interact with and attend talks presented by top experts in the
field of Data Management.

== Invited Speakers and Topics ==

* "Query languages, logic, and complexity"
- Diego Figueira (CNRS Full-time Researcher, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France)
~ This tutorial shows some fundamental results linking logic, complexity
and query languages. It will serve as an introduction to some more
advanced material, and it will not assume any prior knowledge on database
theory or logic. It will cover basic definitions and results such as
Relational Algebra, First-order logic, Conjunctive queries; data and query
complexities; decidability and complexity of evaluation/satisfiability
problems. The goal is to give a general idea of why studying logics is
crucial for a deeper understanding of database query languages.

* "Regular Expressions for Processing Data on the Web"
- Wim Martens (Professor, University of Bayreuth, Germany)
~ Regular expressions are a fundamental ingredient common to many areas of
computer science. They are an excellent connector between theory and
practical applications. They have been around since the birth of the field
and they are abundantly present in a wide range of applications today. In
this lecture, we will review some basic properties of regular expressions,
their applications (with an emphasis on data processing on the Web) and
algorithms for processing them.

* "An Overview of Statistical Relational Learning"
- Guy van den Broeck (Postdoctoral Researcher, KU Leuven, Belgium)
~ Statistical relational models combine aspects of first-order logic,
databases and probabilistic graphical models, enabling them to represent
complex logical and probabilistic relations between large numbers of
objects. This tutorial will review various relational representations of
uncertainty, including Markov logic, probabilistic databases, and
probabilistic programming languages. We will discuss algorithms for
learning these representations from data (in this case, from a relational
database), as well as the typical applications. We will also study
algorithms for probabilistic inference (i.e., drawing conclusions on the
probability of events), and in particular lifted inference algorithms,
which exploit the relational and logical structure present in these

* "Four Paradigms in Data Mining"
- Wagner Meira Jr. (Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
~ Data mining encapsulates the process of exploring and extracting
insights from large collections of data, and is commonly applied for the
purposes of scientific discovery, business intelligence, processing Web
data, and so forth. This talk will introduce four high-level paradigms in
data mining; namely, combinatorial, probabilistic, algebraic and
graph-based paradigms. For each paradigm, a number of concrete data mining
algorithms will be presented.

Further details about the school are available here:
- http://dcc.uchile.cl/amw2015/school.html

== Interactive Sessions ==

The school will also feature an interactive session of lightning talks,
where all participants are allotted a short presentation time to introduce
their research interests. The goal of this session is for attendees to
identify common topics, encouraging discussion about potential
collaborations. There will also be an informal social gathering at the
close of the school.

== Registration ==

Registration for the school will be free for anyone who wishes to attend.
Registration for the workshop will be announced separately.

== Travel Grants ==

Thanks to the generous support of the VLDB Endowment, we have travel
grants available to offer students registered in a Latin American
university. Grants will have a maximum value of US$1,500 to help cover
flight, accommodation and registration in the main workshop. These grants
will be awarded in cash at the event.

If you are a Latin American student (undergrad or postgrad) and would like
to receive travel support, please send an email to the AMW school chairs
at the addresses below briefly stating why you would like to attend the
school and how much support you would need (max US$1,500).

Please also CC your supervisor (or a professor in your department), and
attach a short 1-page CV (including at least: name, address, universities
attended, degrees achieved/in-progress, current position; and if
applicable: theses and/or publications authored, supervisor, relevant
professional experience, other important merits, etc.).

We will then select those students who we feel stand to gain the most from
the experience of attending the school.

Deadline: April 1st.

Aidan Hogan (aho...@dcc.uchile.cl) and
Domagoj Vrgoc (domagojvr...@gmail.com)

== Homepage ==


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