Special Issue on Mining Associations and Patterns from the Semantic Data

Guest editors: Kemafor Anyanwu, Ying Ding, Jie Tang, and Philip Yu

Large amounts of Semantic Data is being generated through semantic extractions from and annotation of traditional Web, social and sensor data. Linked Open Data has provided excellent vehicle for representation and sharing of such data. Primary vehicle to get semantics useful for better integration, search and decision making is to find interesting relationships or associations, expressed as meaningful paths, subgraphs and patterns. This special issue seeks theories, algorithms and applications of extracting such semantic relationships from large amount of semantic data. Example topics include:

* Theories to ground associations and patterns with social, socioeconomic, biological semantics * Representation (e.g. language extensions) to express meaningful relationships and patterns * Algorithms to efficiently compute and mine semantic associations and patterns * Techniques for filtering, ranking and/or visualization of semantic associations and patterns * Application of semantic associations and patterns in a domain with significant social or society impact

IJSWIS is included in most major indices including CSI, with Thomson Scientific impact factor 2.345. We seek high quality manuscripts suitable for an archival journal based on original research. If the manuscript is based on a prior workshop or conference submission, submissions should reflect significant novel contribution/extension in conceptual terms and/or scale of implementation and evaluation (authors are highly encouraged to clarify new contributions in a cover letter or within the submission).

Important Dates:
Submission of full papers: Feb 29, 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: May 30, 2012
Publication target: 3Q 2012

Details of the journal, manuscript preparation, and recent articles are available on the website: http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/titledetails.aspx?titleid=1092 or http://ijswis.org

Guest Editors: Prof. Kemafor Anyanwu, North Carolina State University
Prof. Ying Ding, Indiana University
Prof. Jie Tang, Tsinghua University
Prof. Philip Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago
Contact Guest Editor: Ying Ding <dingy...@indiana.edu>

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