
Call for Papers
The first annual VIVO National Conference will be held August 12 and 13 at the 
New York Hall of Science.  We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 
conference with contributions to the meeting. We are requesting papers, panels, 
and poster presentations focusing on issues that VIVO is trying to address, 
including these listed in the Topics of Interest.

Topics of interest:
Collaboration                           Semantic Web                    Linked 
Open Data
Role of VIVO in Science         Adoption of VIVO                Implementation 
Social Networking                       Crowd Sourcing                  Mapping 
& Networks

Authors are invited to submit abstracts for poster, panel, and paper 
presentations related to the Topics of Interest and associated areas. All paper 
submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should sign up for an 
account and submit their abstract and the completed submission form at the 
conference submission site, http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vivo1.

Proposals must be submitted as a one-page (8.5 x 11 inch) document [PDF or 
Microsoft Word format].  Each submission should not exceed one page typeset in 
12-point font and must include:
•       The title of the submission and the names, academic degree(s), 
affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country) of all authors
•       An abstract which summarizes the submission and offers the reviewers a 
clear reflection of the contents and key points of the coming presentation, 
panel, or poster.
Abstracts will undergo the peer-review process and the reviewing process is 
strictly confidential.

Categories of submission:
•       Papers: Authors will be considered for either a full-length 
presentation of 45 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions or for inclusion into 
a collection of presentations to be delivered during a single session.  These 
shorter presentations will be 10 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.  
Please indicate your preference (short or long talk) on your submission.
•       Posters: Poster presentations offer an excellent opportunity to present 
preliminary research and projects and offer a platform for dialog on the 
•       Panels:  Panels may be organized around a specific topic or may offer 
an innovative approach that cuts across multiple topic areas, technologies, 
experiences, or disciplines. There should be no more than four panelists in a 
given panel session.

Important Dates:
•       Abstracts due:          June 15, 2010
•       Decision:               July 15, 2010
Accepted papers will be presented by their author(s) and will be published in 
the conference proceedings. The proceedings are provided free of charge to 
conference attendees. For further details or inquiries, please contact Kristi 
Holmes at holme...@wustl.edu.
Kristi L. Holmes, Ph.D. | Bioinformaticist | Becker Medical Library | 
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid, Campus Box 8132, St. Louis, MO 63110 | 314-362-4737 | 
holme...@wusm.wustl.edu | Blog

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