Hello All,

  I just joined the SWHCLSIG and thought I introduce myself:

  I work for the Virtual Cell [1] at the Center for Cell Analysis and
Modeling [2] at the University of Connecticut Health Center [3].

  My current project [4] aims to integrate formats for molecular
pathways, especially BioPAX [5] and SBML [6], aiming to include other
formats in the future. For this project, we have developed a Java
application called Systems Biology Linker (Sybil), which makes
extensive use of Semantic Web technologies (including querying,
reasoning and program-based ontology-building) with the help of Jena
[7] and an ontology we developed called Systems Biology Pathway
Exchange (SBPAX).

  I am also facilitating the bi-weekly meetings of the BioPAX-OBO
group [8], which aims to integrate BioPAX into the OBO Foundry [9], a
task that requires an extensive revision of BioPAX.

  I am looking forward to working with others on the greater goal of
integrating biomedical knowledge using Semantic Web technologies.

     Take care

  [1]  Virtual Cell - http://vcell.org
  [2]  Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling - http://www.ccam.uchc.edu
  [3]  University of Connecticut Health Center - http://www.uchc.edu
  [4]  My current project - http://vcell.org/biopax/
  [5]  BioPAX - http://www.biopax.org/, http://www.biopaxwiki.org/
  [6]  SBML - http://sbml.org
  [7]  Jena - http://jena.sourceforge.net/
  [8] Every second, fourth and last Tuesday, 3pm to 6pm, in Stata
Center, MIT. Contact me if interested.
  [9]  OBO Foundry - http://www.obofoundry.org/

Oliver Ruebenacker, Computational Cell Biologist
BioPAX Integration at Virtual Cell (http://vcell.org/biopax)
Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling

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